OVA 1: First visit

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Slowly, things began to return to what they once were.

Little by little, New Yoke stopped having that industrial look and began to have a little more vegetation and little animals running freely around.

It was as if all the devastation the Chaos Council did had never happened.

Seeing that today was a beautiful day, a certain blue hedgehog decided to take advantage of it to visit an old friend.

--- Name? ---. Asked a brown cat, who played the role of receptionist at the center where his friend currently resided.

--- Really Grace? ---. The emerald-eyed man questioned sarcastically.

--- Heh, I'm just playing with you Sonic, you know how things work ---. Grace gave him a slight mocking smile. --- As usual? ---. Asked.

Sonic rise.

--- Are you coming alone? ---.

--- Actually... Not this time ---. Sonic said showing him a blue baby stroller.

Grace was very surprised to see that stroller, so she walked closer to get a better look.

---...! ---. The kitten's eyes widened when she saw the baby inside her. --- ... He is...? ---.

Sonic nodded again.

--- Don't ask how it happened, it's a fairly long and complex process that just thinking about it makes me nauseous ---. Sonic said, recording the entire process of numbers and genetic codes that Tails explained to him.

Who would have thought that creating life artificially would be so complicated.

He honestly didn't even want to imagine what the process of creating Shadow must have been like.

--- ...I don't think they'll let you in with that stroller, he uses everything as a weapon... Although... He's been behaving well lately ---. Grace said recording the last three weeks without incident.

--- This is why... ---. Sonic answered seriously. --- The last time I came to visit him I informed him about this, and warned him that if he didn't take the rehabilitation seriously, he wouldn't have contact with the child until he was 18 years old ---.

Grace seemed to understand why Sonic was doing this. If he couldn't change of his own free will, at least he will try to do so for that little life.

--- ...I'm going to inform the guards ---. Grace said, resuming her position at the desk. --- But the stroller will stay here as a precaution ----

--- I understand ---. Sonic ascending while carrying the little baby.

-- Remember, we will be watching you at all times ---. Said one of the two guards escorting the hedgehog and his little one to the cell.

--- Yes, I know ---. The emerald-eyed man responded, already tired of having this same conversation with them every time he came. --- Do you think we can go outside this time? ---.

--- unfortunately no, the patio is still under repair ---. He informed the second guard.

Sonic just lets out a frustrated sigh.

Once the three of them were in front of a blind door, one of the guards approached it, giving it three sharp knocks to inform who was inside of their arrival.

--- Nine, you have a visitor! ---. Shout.

After this, the hedgehog had to wait a good ten minutes for the door to open, because it was powerfully fortified by several padlocks and locks.

By the time the door finally opened, Sonic could see the variant of Tails corresponding to this universe, sitting on the bed of his cell with both hands cuffed, who had been stripped of his mechanical tails due to multiple attacks on staff with the same ones, so now he only had his two biological tails again

Upon noticing the hedgehog's presence, Nine quickly raised his head, breaking into a smile at the sight. Smile which expanded even more when he saw the little one who accompanied him; A small two-tailed fox, blue fur, a slightly lighter blue than his father's, although with yellow-orange details on the tips of his ears and tail, blue eyes, and wearing red pajamas.

--- Sonic ---. He said in a whisper.

--- Prism wanted to meet his dad ---. Sonic smiled back as he sat on the bed along with his little one.

The circumstances were not the best.

But at least they could spend some quality time with their little one.

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