OVA 3: Familly meeting

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The atmosphere of the Restoration headquarters became festive. Like every month, Renegade and Rebel would give their staff the day off while they and Rusty Rose took the opportunity to spend the day with their little nephew.

The quartet waited standing at the main door of the barracks, being quite surprised to find Nine pushing the stroller, inside which, a small fox with two tails like him but of a bluish color like that of his other father, waited patiently while " bit" the head of his favorite stuffed animal, specifically, the stuffed animal of a Neutral Chao.

While it was true that none of them had completely forgiven Nine for everything he put them through, they did not deny that he had changed a lot since he found out he was going to be a father. For that reason, and for Prism's sake, the least they could do was treat him cordially but nothing more.

--- Welcome ---. Rebel was the first to take the initiative, approaching to receive both foxes.

--- You don't have to pretend that you like having me here ---. Nine said, noticing the more than obvious feeling of discomfort they felt at seeing him again after so long. --- I know that none of you really forgave me, and you have every right, I don't blame you... ---. He spoke sincerely.

--- You are partly right, we still need time to heal and decide if we want to have you around or not ---. Renegade said looking at Nine seriously but softening her expression as she looked at Prism. --- However, the child is innocent and not to blame for your mistakes... So, for his sake, we made the decision to treat you cordially ---.

--- ... I understand ---. Nine just nodded, he understood perfectly what they were going through, especially that they were not willing to forgive him yet, but at the same time he felt relieved that they did not make Prism pay for his mistakes.

--- By the way, where is Sonic? ---. Rusty Rose questioned. --- We thought they came together ---.

--- And we did ---. Nine stated. --- What happened is that Sonic realized that Prism was out of diapers, so as soon as we got out of the vehicle he ran off to buy more, leaving me in charge of the baby ---.

Hearing that, Renegade and Rebel gave a frustrated sigh as they put both hands on their heads.

--- That idiot forgot again that he has several diapers stored in his room ---. They both said with resignation.


--- It's here ---. Sonic said in a tired tone as he took out a key from among his spikes, and then opened a door.

When the door opened, Nine could see a room fully equipped for a couple, a double bed with enough space for both of them, two nightstands on each side, a large closet, and even everything necessary for the baby, including a blue crib, a changing table, two shelves full of Prism's favorite toys, and a small closet where she can store her things like diapers, wet wipes, her clothes, etc.

--- Yes, they were prepared ---. Nine said as she entered the room pushing the stroller.

--- Yes, they're usually the ones in charge of keeping this place stocked while we're gone, and I always forget ---. Sonic said letting out a small laugh as he put the diapers in the closet.

--- I can't blame you, you must have a lot on your mind ---. Nine looked away, after all Sonic was looking after the puppy 24/7, and he was probably still having a hard time finding a balance between his work as a hero and taking care of the baby.

His friends were a great help, but they were also the heroes of their universe and, in addition, they also had their own problems, obligations and future plans.

He hated that he couldn't be there to help him.

Another thing he hadn't thought before making so many mistakes, but he didn't think they were possible at the time either.

--- I recognize that it is difficult, but in the end it is always worth it ---. The emerald-eyed man smiled, suppressing a yawn. --- Okay, I just have to get him ready for his nap and then we can spend some time alone ---.

Maybe Nine couldn't be present all the time, but he could contribute every time they had these meetings.

--- No, I will ---. Nine responded gently taking Prism away.

---Oh? ---. Sonic looked at him confused.

--- You are Prism's main caregiver, you are always looking out for him, you barely have time for yourself, when was the last time you slept a full night? ---. He questioned, pointing out the opponent's marked circles under his eyes, remembering how he had told him, lately, Prism had the habit of waking up in the middle of the night crying and the only way for him to go back to sleep was to walk exactly 30 times around Green Hill, or take a walk. Two hours by plane, which involved waking up Tails, because he was too tired to fly the plane.

--- Uh... ---. Sonic didn't know what to answer, he really couldn't remember the last time.

--- Exact ---. Nine continued. --- Since I can't be there all the time to help you, it's best that I take care of him so you can rest ---.

--- Eh... Are you sure about that? ---. The hedgehog asked, sitting on the bed. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, rather, she didn't trust his temperament.

Although Nine had changed a lot in terms of attitude, the blue one was fully aware that Prism was capable of, unconsciously, getting on the ex-nine-tailed fox's nerves.

--- Of course ---. Nine stated determinedly. --- Believe it or not, I have been taking note of everything you told me about Prosm during your visits, I know exactly what to do in each situation, plus what our son likes and doesn't like ---. He smiled proudly, pulling out a small notebook hidden in the fur of his tails, beginning to read his notes. --- "If Prism cries it is because he is hungry, sleepy, or wants attention" ... "Prism needs his Chao stuffed animal at all times to be calm, even during bath time" ... "Avoid leaving any objects breakable near Prism"... "If Pridm refuses to do something, you can convince him by using fruit popsicles" ---. He said finishing reading, he had many more notes, but those were enough to prove his point. --- See, I can take care of- ---.

Nine stopped mid-sentence when he noticed a sleeping Sonic on the bed.

--- ...Heh, I'll take that as a yes ---. He smiled slightly, setting the notebook down on one of the nightstands and using his free hand to tuck Sonic in as best he could. --- Rest Sonic... You deserve it ---. He whispered, giving the opponent a tender kiss on his head.

--- Mm? ---. Prism looked at the older fox in confusion.

--- Daddy Sonic needs a nap Prism ---. He said looking at the minor with a smile. --- So today you are going to be in the care of dad Nine ---. He said as he left the room so Sonic could rest easy, though not before grabbing the baby's favorite stuffed animal.

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