OVA 5: Familly dinner

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The group was gathered in the barracks dining room, enjoying a pleasant moment and, in the case of Rusty, Renegade and Rebel, their last hours of rest, since tomorrow they had to return to work.

Sonic and Nine would stay with them for the rest of the week, but the three would not be able to spend as much time at their side due to their obligations with the Restoration and New Yoke, being able to see them only at night.

Despite that, they enjoyed this day with little Prism and couldn't wait for next month.

--- Come on Prism, eat ---. The older fox said as he brought a spoon full of oatmeal towards the little one, who turned his face in displeasure.

Sonic observed the situation with an ironic smile, it was the same situation as when Amy tried to feed him when he was in his baby state.

Although he was amused, he still had to fulfill his obligations as the responsible father that he was, so he approached both foxes and took the spoon that Nine was holding.

---Look Prism, here comes the little plane~ ---. I hum while moving the spoon as if it were an airplane in the direction of the baby's mouth.

Just like that, the puppy began to eat.

--- You are good ---. Knucks praised while eating some grapes.

--- Yes... I guess I still have a lot to learn... ---. Nine sighed.

--- Don't be discouraged, it was Tails who discovered that trick... I had the same problems as you feeding him ---. Sonic responded, giving the opponent an encouraging smile.

--- It shows that Tails is a great help ---. The albino bat added.

--- All my friends are, even Shadow... But Tails was there from the moment Prism was conceived, so he knows him better than anyone ---. The emerald-eyed man added.

--- Speaking of which, what did you do with the machine you used to create it? ---. Rusty asked.

--- Well... Although Shadow wanted us to destroy it once Prism was ready because we had to use the capsule plans that Professor Gerald Robotnik used to create it, and that brought back bad memories for obvious reasons... In the end we managed to convince him to let us keep it ---. Sonic explained.

--- In case Sonic and I wanted to have another child in the future ---. Nine added. --- ... The truth is that I would like a girl ---. He commented, causing Sonic to blush a little.

--- ... Meanwhile, Tails decided to use it for the benefit of other couples, both those who suffer from infertility and same-sex couples, so that they can have their children... He only needs a DNA sample from both parents and in 9 weeks you will have your blessing ---. Sonic explained with some pride. --- Of course, the waiting list is now very long ---.

--- That's very good but... Isn't it better to adopt? ---. Rebel asked.

--- Adoption is a long, tedious and complex process, obviously because they want to guarantee that children go to an appropriate place but the system is designed in such a way that it only makes things more complicated for parents... Not everyone has the mental strength or money to endure the bureaucratic processes ---. Nine explained. --- Not to mention that it is twice as complicated for homosexual couples ---.

--- Furthermore, many of these couples have adopted children and love them with all their hearts, but they still maintain that small hope of having a child of their blood ---. Sonic added.

--- It is understandable ---. The red echidna said.

--- Yes, the majority opt for adoption as their first option before joining the waiting list ---. The hedgehog responded, finishing feeding Prism. --- Be that as it may, the important thing is to share and provide all the love possible to a child, biological or adopted ---.

--- You are right, children are a great gift ---. Nine smiled carrying Prism. --- As Prism is for us ---. He said while hugging him.

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