OVA 6: Test

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The years passed, two specifically.

Prism grew into a healthy 3-year-old boy, energetic and curious in equal measure, being the adoration of his parents, uncles, and even enemies of his father Sonic.

--- I still don't believe Eggman gave you "paternity leave" ---. Nine commented as he added a new photo of Prism to his "motivational wall", specifically, one where the little blue-furred fox was playing with some of Tails' tools.

--- Do not even say it ---. Sonic answered while preparing Prism's favorite sandwiches, they weren't the same as Amy's but at least they were edible.

--- Mr. Eggman has a kind side ---. Added Prism, who was sitting at the desk his father had in his cell.

--- Although I would have liked him to ask it differently... ---. The emerald-eyed sighed, remembering that day.


--- Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk! ---. A little blue fox, barely about two years old, screamed with excitement as they flew at full speed in circles in front of the entrance to his uncle Tails' workshop.

--- Calm down Prism, let's go ---. Said a tired Sonic as he finished preparing a backpack with everything he needed to get through the day.

Naively, he believed that this parenting thing would get easier as the little one grew older.
However, since Prism discovered that he had inherited his super speed, things became a little more complicated, since he had not yet mastered it well and was quite reckless about it.

It was like dealing with a younger, more impulsive version of himself, which again made him rethink his life.

--- Nobody said being a father would be easy ---. A certain yellow-orange fox comforted him by placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

--- I know but I don't deny that it is a fun challenge ---. The emerald-eyed man smiled, placing the backpack on his back. --- Are you sure you'll be fine without me? ---. He asked a little worried, after all it was the first time he would leave Tails in charge after a long time.

--- Don't worry, I have everything under control ---. Tails nodded with a radiant smile. --- Relax and enjoy some quality time with your child ----.

The hedgehog couldn't help but smile at this response, giving a vote of confidence to his friend, trusting that he would keep everything in order. So he hurried towards the entrance of the workshop, carrying the little boy to stop him.

--- Well my little rascal, ready? ----. He questioned looking at the minor.

--- Ready for adventure! ---. He responded in a cheerful tone.

At this, Sonic put Prism on the ground again and then both got into a position to prepare for a race. I understand what was happening, it didn't take long for Tails to open the door, watching in amazement as the father and son duo shot out of the workshop.

However, when they had already left the workshop and without either of them expecting it, Sonic received a strong blow to the face that sent him backwards.

--- Dad! ---. The little fox shouted, making a quick turn to go to the aid of his parent.

However, a robotic arm grabbed Sonic by the spikes, while a second robotic arm held him tightly, in such a way that his limbs were stuck to his body, preventing him from moving freely.

With the hedgehog motionless, the cause of all this decided to be present. It didn't take long for an egg-shaped ship to approach, allowing Prism to visualize his father's greatest enemy for the first time.

The evil Doctor Robotnik, commonly nicknamed Eggman.

--- HOW DARE YOU BE UNFAITHFUL TO ME SONIC?! ---. The evil scientist questioned angrily, lifting Sonic off the ground and pressing him to his face, or well, to the glass that protected him.

--- W-W-What...? ---. The hedgehog asked with barely a thread of voice because he was still stunned by the blow.


Prism stared at the situation for a few seconds, still in shock. However, despite his young age, it didn't take him long to understand the situation: his father was in danger and he couldn't do it alone, he had to do something or at least try to help him.

He remembered the stories that both he and his uncles told him about their adventures fighting this guy, so he thought he knew what he had to do.

Wasting no time, he used his twin tails to fly towards the ship, more specifically, to the arms that were holding the blue hedgehog prisoner.

--- Leave my dad alone! ---. He shouted, starting to hit the robotic arms with his fists and kicks.

Despite not doing much damage due to his small size and poor physical strength, it was enough for Sonic to come to his senses and begin to move to try to free himself.


--- Did you really do that Prism? ---. Nine questioned, noticeably surprised.

--- Yeah ---. Prism nodded. --- I didn't want daddy Sonic to get hurt ---. He said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

--- And it's good that he did it, if it weren't for that things would have gotten worse ---. Sonic added. --- According to Eggman, he did that to test Prism, he wanted to make sure that his future enemy would be up to the supposed "threat" that I represent to his plans... If only you had seen the happy face that he had when he saw Prism trying to break the robotic arms with his teeth... ---.

--- So that's why he lost four teeth ---. Nine said remembering how Prism was when they came to visit him two days after that incident.

--- They were made of milk, they will grow again ---. Prism responded with a pout.

--- We know small ---. The blue hedgehog smiled as he stroked his son's head. --- Anyway, my leave ends today, starting tomorrow I must return to my duties as a hero ---.

--- What about Prism? ---. Nine questioned.

--- Don't worry, I've already arranged with the rest of the group, Amy is going to take care of him tomorrow... I seem to remember that she was going to take him to see a very fun place ---. The emerald-eyed man assured.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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