OVA 2: Being Parents

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--- And that's how Super Sonic defeated not only the Council of Chaos, but also the nutcase who wanted to destroy the Shatter-verse in order to build his dream world ---. A certain blue hedgehog was narrating while watching a baby fox sitting in his stroller. --- And everyone lived happily ever after, the end ---. He smiled.

Prism smiled as he applauded, he liked the story.

--- What was coo-? ---. The hedgehog could not finish the sentence, because he was abruptly interrupted by a strong punch to his head. --- Ouch-! ---. He complained, rubbing the bruise.

--- What did I tell you about telling that story to the boy?! ---. Nine questioned noticeably angrily.

--- What?... I didn't mention you directly... ---. Sonic sighed. --- Plus, he's going to study that event when he goes to school... Have you already forgotten that talk we had about "not letting the past consume you"? ---. He questioned.

--- No, my memories of the origins of your friendship with Tails are very clear... ---. The opposite responded, releasing a sigh. --- ...I just don't want him to know yet... ---. Nine lowered his head, looking at the anklet on his right foot.

It had been a year since Sonic first brought little Prism to meet his father for the first time. From that visit onwards, the fox's attitude changed radically, not only because of the elder's warning, but also because of his own will; He stopped trying to escape, attacking the guards, and being reluctant to cooperate. Instead, he began to become more sociable, occasionally helping other inmates and guards, joining various workshops and programs related to machines and technology, and even attending group therapy three times a week.

After a year of good behavior, and a lot of insistence on Sonic's part, Nine managed to be accepted for sporadic releases from prison one week every three months, monitored by an electronic anklet and under Sonic's tutelage. Any slightest attempt to remove the anklet or commit an infraction was an automatic "ring" for them to come looking for it, automatically nullifying said privilege.

Today would be the first time in almost three years that he would see sunlight again, although he would not be completely free until his youngest child was thirty years old, so it was normal for him to be more sensitive and irritable.

Seeing him, Sonic approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder to give him support.

--- I know you're scared Nine, not only for you, but also for Prism and me... The future is unpredictable but, if we've already come this far, we have to keep going... After all, it depends on we ---. He said looking at the bluish two-tailed fox inside his stroller.

Nine was thoughtful as he looked at his son. Sonic was right, he couldn't change the past but he could make an effort to make a better future for his offspring. He knew that he would miss many moments during Prism's childhood and adolescence, partly knowing that he deserved it, but he would take advantage of every slightest opportunity to be with him.

He was determined to prevent him from making the same mistakes that led him to end up in that cell.

--- Yes... What's done is done... I made a mistake and now I'm paying for it, but I think it's time to leave that behind ---. He said approaching a wall of the cell, close to his bed.

Said wall was covered with several newspapers, all showing his photograph on the front page, capturing the exact moment they put him in that cell.

The headlines were varied:

"The Fearsome Universal Terrorist Is Finally Captured"

"Possible Death Penalty For Nine The Fox"

"NIne The Fox Is Sentenced To Life In Prison"


He had to admit, they got pretty creative when they wanted to attract attention.

During his first year of confinement, when Sonic was not yet allowed to visit him, the guards brought him those newspapers that talked specifically about him as "therapy". However, Nine only became more depressed after reading not only all the actual bad things they said about him, but also the lies they made up to make him seem much worse than he was.

So he began to cover that wall with them as a reminder that the only cause of his misery was himself.

But now, they had no reason to be there.

--- Before they were a reminder of my misery... But now, they have no reason to be ---. He said tearing off all the papers, scattering them on the floor.

He then walked over to his nightstand, opening a small drawer and taking a couple of photos.

--- Now, my only priority is you and Prism ---. He said taping both photos on the wall, one of him and Sonic while Nine was still a baby, and the other of little Prism.

Sonic couldn't help but smile when he saw that, he had certainly changed a lot.

At that, a guard informed them that their transportation was ready.

It was time to go with the Restoration to see the rest of the group.

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