OVA 4: Favorite uncle

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--- Come here Prism ---. The albino bat called, extending her arms towards the blue fox.

--- No! Come to your uncle Knucks ---. The red echidna responded vigorously, imitating the action of its companion.

--- Of course not! Come to your Aunt Rusty ---. The pink hedgehog asked, imitating the action of his companions.

Nine just watched as the three surrounded the little two-tailed fox, who only watched them while continuing to bite his stuffed animal. He finally understood what Sonic meant when those three had absurd competition.

--- (How degrading...) ---. He thought to himself, taking a light sip of the grape juice he had bought from one of the barracks' vending machines. --- I don't understand why they bother, Sonic already said that Amy is his favorite aunt so far ---.

--- That is the point ---. Rusty said. --- She may be the favorite of her universe but Prism doesn't have a favorite in New Yoke ---.

--- So we have time to reverse that situation ---. Renegade commented, rushing to grab a little plane from the box of toys they had put together for her nephew. --- Look Prism, if you come with me you can have this little plane ---. He smiled offering him the toy. --- It looks like your uncle Tails', right? ---.

--- Using blackmail, huh? ---. Rebel said with some annoyance when seeing her partner's action. --- Well, that game is for two ---. I affirm and then quickly fly to the laundry room and then return with a green blanket. --- Look Prism, it's your blanket ---. He said extending it towards him.

Rusty was not far behind in the fight, stretching his robotic arms to the kitchen to bring a small glass of vanilla yogurt to where they were.

--- If you come with Aunt Rusty, you will have yogurt of your favorite flavor ---. The cyborg hedgehog smiled, offering him the glass.

Prism just looked at them without choosing any of the options, apparently nothing seemed attractive enough to him.

Seeing that the fight seemed like it was going to end soon, and given the lack of interest on the part of the little one, Nine thought it was a good time to test his knowledge.
Taking advantage of the fact that the other three were distracted trying to get the fox cub's attention, Nine hurriedly took a strawberry popsicle from the bag where Sonic kept Prism's things when they had to return to their universe and, after hiding it in one of the pockets of his pants, he approached the rest again to put his plan into motion.

--- Come with Dad ---. Nine smiled extending his arms towards Prism.

Immediately, the baby turned to see his father, at the same time that his little nose perceived a faint smell of fruit, the same smell that he loved, rushing to crawl towards his father.

--- Apa~ ---. Prism extended his little hands towards the older fox, as if claiming his reward.

--- Very good Prism, well done ----. Nine smiled and then gave the boy a lollipop. --- Have your prize ---.

Seeing the candy, the baby fox began to wag both tails happily, shortening the older one's gift.

--- That's cheating! ---. Rebel complained.

--- No, I only know what he likes ---. Nine gave them a mocking smile. --- Even though I'm not with him all the time, I know him more than you do ---.

--- Do not exaggerate ---. Renegade said. --- We just forgot that little detail ---.

--- Yes, yes, whatever you say ---. The older fox laughed. --- Apparently I'm New Yoke's favorite ---.

--- Don't claim victory before your time ---. Rusty reminded him. --- It is still too early to know exactly ---.

--- Don't believe it, the love of uncles is no match for the love of dad Nine ---. He smiled, carrying Prism, at the same time making a victory pose.

--- Wiiiii~ ---. The little fox took the lollipop out of his mouth, starting to move his little arms while laughing.

--- Oh no ---. Rebel smiled slightly. --- You will see how the love of the uncles will be the one that triumphs in the end ---. He said making a combat pose playing along with the fox.

--- Yes, we are the protectors of Prism's smile ---. Renegade smiled, continuing the game.

--- We won't let Daddy Nine hoard all of Prism's love for himself ---. "Menace" Rusty showing his soul, although he was obviously also playing.

The four of them remained motionless for a few seconds, staring at each other.


--- Run Prism! These bad guys want to catch us! ---. Nine shouted before flying away at full speed.

--- Catch him! ---. Renegade gave the order and the three began to chase them

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