01 • 𝗼𝗯𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱

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10:25 PM

Caleb : babe please, i'm sorry.

Caleb : C'mon Melanie answer me.

11:40 PM

Caleb : Melanie??

Caleb : u can't do this.


"Please don't tell me he's still trying to contact you

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"Please don't tell me he's still trying to contact you." Zoie said, looking over towards Melanie. She stared down at her phone, frowning. "Yeah, but I blocked him." She said, still staring at her phone.

"Good, he's annoying anyways." Zoie said, rolling her eyes and going back to painting her nails. Melanie scrolled up through their old chats. Zoie noticed her and snatched her phone away.

"Hey!" Melanie called out, finally looking at Zoie. "Would you stop worrying about him? You guys broke up." Zoie said, frowning.

"I know, I'm just wondering if I did the right thing." Melanie sighed. "Don't worry, you definitely did. He was a psycho." Zoie said, rolling her eyes. Melanie bit her fingernails, thinking.

"Come on girl, let's just have fun and stop thinking about him." Zoie said, smiling as she set her phone down on the table far from Melanie. Melanie smiled a little and nodded.

The girls both began painting their nails as they told silly jokes and giggled.

Soon, it got later into the night. Melanie and Zoie were watching a scary movie around 2:00 AM. "Oh my god, I can't watch this." Zoie said, covering her eyes in fear. Melanie laughed.

"Come on you scaredy cat!" Melanie said, pulling at Zoie's hands. "Melanie, quit it!" Zoie yelled, smiling as Melanie fought to take her hands away from her face.

"It's not even that scary!" Melanie said, they both turned to the TV in fear when they heard a loud scream. "Turn it off!" Zoie yelled as she pulled the blankets over her head.

Melanie rushed to the remote and turned the scary movie off. "That wasn't that bad." Melanie said, wiping her forehead. "That was horrible, Mel." Zoie groaned, still under the blanket.

"How am I ever gonna sleep tonight?" Zoie said, lying back on the bed. "Calm down, it's not real." Melanie spoke, sitting next to her. "I know that, idiot." Zoie rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm going to go get a snack from the kitchen, want anything?" Melanie asked. Zoie jumped up from the bed. "Don't leave me here!"

Melanie chuckled. "Zoie calm down, I'll be back soon." She hurried out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Melanie walked past her huge living room filled with family photos and into her modern kitchen which connected with the dining room.

She opened up her big refrigerator and scanned the shelves inside for snacks. She opened the other door to the freezer and took out a bag of pizza rolls and dumped some on a plate.

She walked over to the cabinet which had the microwave inside and placed the pizza rolls inside. She eagerly waited for them to heat up.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door. She turned quickly, still alert from the scary movie. "Who could it be at this hour?" She whispered to her self.

She slowly walked over to the drawer and pulled out a knife. She crept through the dining room and into the entry hall. She looked through the glass on the door and saw a silhouette of a fairly tall person outside.

She gulped as she slowly opened the door, holding the knife. "Melanie." A voice said, she screamed and held the knife out.

"Woah, Careful!" The voice said, the boy pulled down his hood to his black hoodie. Melanie suddenly realized it was Caleb.

"Caleb?" She spoke, confused as ever. "Can we talk? I noticed you blocked me." He said, frowning. Melanie rolled her eyes and began to shut the door. "Go away. You shouldn't even be here."

Caleb caught the door with his hand, "Wait, please just listen, Mel." Melanie opened the door slightly again. "Don't call me that." She frowned. "You love that nickname." He said, smiling.

"Not when you call me it.." She mumbled, looking away. He frowned in response and sighed. "Melanie, please just listen. I'm sorry for getting mad at you, just please don't end things." He said.

"Caleb, I'm sorry but I just can't." Melanie said, looking back at him. "Melanie please, I swear I'll change." Caleb pleaded.

Melanie shook her head and began to close the door. "I'm sorry." She said, closing the door on him. "You're going to regret this." Caleb mumbled with anger.

Melanie sighed and walked back to her kitchen. She placed the knife back in the drawer and took the pizza rolls out of the microwave. She hurried back upstairs to her bedroom.

"Zoie." She whispered as she walked back into her room, closing the door behind her. She set the pizza rolls down on her desk and approached Zoie.

"Zoie." She whispered again. She pulled the blankets off Zoie, who was already asleep on the bed. "Seriously" Melanie groaned, she sat on her bed and began eating a few of the pizza rolls.

She looked over at her phone and picked it up. She went back on Caleb's contact and sighed. She thought for a moment, then decided to delete their conversation.

She set her phone back down and lied down on her bed, falling asleep.

She set her phone back down and lied down on her bed, falling asleep

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