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It was a hot sunny day after school

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It was a hot sunny day after school. Melanie and Zoie were gathered at the soccer game after school, sitting on the bleachers. Kym and her friends were sitting near them as well.

"Ugh, this game is so boring." Zoie groaned, rolling her eyes. "And it's so hot!" Anya yelled, fanning herself with her hand.

Kym and her gang weren't exactly besties with Zoie and Melanie but they got along well and hung out a lot.

"Guys chill, we're here to support Andy." Megan said, looking at the field of soccer players. "Whatever." Zoie mumbled, going on her phone.

Meanwhile, Kym and her boyfriend, Kaydin, were taking selfies together. "Man, we are totally beating St. Catherine." Anya said, grinning. Melanie looked up at Kym and her boyfriend.

"Awe, you guys look so cute." Melanie smiled at them. Kym looked over at her. "Thanks Mel, how are things going with you and Caleb?"

"Oh, um, we broke up." Melanie said, looking away. "Oh no, why?" Megan asked, frowning. "He just was really toxic, he got angry at me a lot." Melanie said. "It's okay though, don't worry."

"I'm so sorry that happened, Mel." Anya said, Megan nodded in agreement. "I'm sure you'll find someone new soon." Kym said with a smile, Melanie returned a small smile in response.

Once the soccer game eventually ended Melanie and her friends ended up meeting up with Andy's friends.

"Good job guys!" Megan cheered, "Yeah you guys did amazing." Anya agreed. "Thanks guys." Aaron chuckled. "Not you." Anya Frowned, Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Yeah you guys did well, especially since the field is so lopsided." Melanie said, Andy looked over at her and smiled. "Exactly." He said, Kym looked at the both of them.

"Omg guys, we should go to the ledge." Megan said. "Yes!" Anya agreed, Kym smiled. "Sure, you wanna come, Kaydin?" Kaydin nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Andy stared at them.

"Guys, we should invite them over there." Kym pointed at Stacy and her friends over on the bleachers. "Oh my god they're so embarrassing." Megan giggled. "Do you see that one girl's legs?" Anya said. Everyone began laughing.

"Okay, Melanie you do it." Kym said, grinning at Melanie. Everyone turned to look at her. "Why me?" Melanie asked, frowning. "Because I said so." Kym stated, her smile dropped.

"Just do it, Mel." Zoie said, "What's the harm?" Anya and Megan nodded in agreement. "Just don't invite those two weird girls with them, only Stacy and Lydia." Kym said.

"Come on, Melanie." Andy said, looking at her. "Fine." Melanie finally agreed. She walked up the bleachers and over to them. Stacy looked up at her, raising a brow.

"Hey, Stacy and Lydia, you guys wanna come with us to the ledge?" Melanie asked, looking at them. "Us?" Lydia asked, her eyes widened. "Yeah, just you two though."

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