The Party

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After walking a few blocks you come to a big, dark green house. "Wow" you say, because the last time you saw this house it was old, and the paint was chipping. You ring the doorbell. A lady with gray hair opens it. "Oh, hi! You must be here for the party! Down that hall and to the right. Feel free to
grab some refreshments if you want them!" She says, clearly happy to see you. "Ok, thanks!" You say, smiling at her. You walk down and to the right just as she told you. You see a screen door and open it to reveal an outside party with a few tables and coolers by each other. A few neighbors that you know wave at you. By the first table you see 4 people about your age. One of them is tall with blackish brown hair, another one is a ginger with glasses. The third has brown hair touching her shoulders, and glasses. The last one has light brown messy hair, with a sort of cute smile. All of them are wearing shirts or hoodies that say "VenturianTale" on them. Must be some sort of company or something. You head over to introduce yourself. "Hi I'm Y/N, nice to meet you guys." You say, hopefully you didn't sound to formal. "Hi I'm Bethany! Nice meeting you." "Hi I'm sal- I mean, Cierra! Bethany gives her a nudge. " uh,I'm Isaac." "Greetings! I am Jordan the great! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!" He says in a loud voice. You shake all their hands. When you shake Jordan's hand he blushes and smiles awkwardly. You smile back. "So, what is Venturiantale, exactly?" You ask, looking at their shirts and hoodies. Issac beams as he says "it's our YouTube channel!" He says. "Wow, how many subscribers do you have?" You ask waiting for a small number. "1.8 million!" Cierra says. "WOW!" You say, surprised that they have that many. You really hit it off with those four. Talking and laughing with everyone, especially Jordan. Man, is that boy cute! It won't work though, your not good when it comes to love. When you're leaving you hear a voice from behind you. "Wait, Y/N!" You hear Jordan call from behind you. "Hmm? What?" You ask "I, uh, well, I just wanted to see if you,uh would like to hang out later?" He asks,blushing. "Oh, yeah. Does 3:00 tomorrow work for you?" You ask "Sure! Your house?"he says. "Yeah." "Cool see you there!" He says turning around. You smile then head home to get your car, and meet up with your friend.

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