I'll kill them!

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You rush out of your car onto Jordan's front steps. There was dried blood on the driveway. Oh god, oh my god no. You hear moans of pain coming from the house. Why did this have to happen right in the middle of a good nap?! The jerks who beat them up couldn't have done it 2 hours from now?! Calm down, Y/N you have more important things to think about. Jordan. "I got the text is everything o-my god!!!!" You scream when you see them, all bruised and bloody. Jordan was beaten up the most. "Ok who did this?! I'll kill em' ILL RIP THEM TO SREDS THEN ILL BURN THEIR BODIES!!!!!!" (Heavy panting) "Calm down,Y/N we're fine-ow, sort of." Bethany says. You rush over to Jordan he had a swollen lip, and a black eye. Well, all of them did...but Jordan's was the worst! Heh I think... You start hugging him. "Y/N, oh my god, thank god!" He says. There was pain in his voice. "You know what?! I'll kill em! I'm gonna beat them to a bloody pulp!" Authors note:ew...     You see triumph in all of their eyes. "Y/N he's gonna hit on you, don't fall for him." Ha, please! A jerk who would beat up my Jordan would even get a hangnail from me! You walk out the door.

   -------TIME SKIP-------
A big muscular man jumps out in front if you, three more men by his side. "Heyyy, princess! Wanna go out?!" He says,clearly trying to be attractive. "Sure, come here and let me PUNCH YOUR UGLY FACE!" You say as you sick him in the face, over and over until there isn't a spot of unbruised skin. His goons cower in fear. Finally you stop, kick him in the "area" then run away.

             -------TIME SKIP-------
"You thought that all girls can't fight? Jordan you idiot!" You say playfully. It's been a few days since the attack. Jordan's wounds are almost healed. His black eye and swollen lip are gone. The others wounds healed faster. It was 6:00 in the afternoon, and an (insert favorite anime/tv show here, mines attack on titian XD I'm such a geek) marathon was about to begin. You convinced Jordan to watch it with you. About a quarter through the marathon Isaac comes down in a fancy outfit. "Woah, Isaac what's with the look?"
Jordan asks. "Umm, TROLOLOLOLO! Bye!" Isaac says as he leaves through the door. "Huh, wonder what that was about." You say. Jordan just srugs.      
   -----TIME SKIP! Omg im so lazy-----
"THAT. WAS. AWESOME!" Jordan yells after the marathon was over. "I need merch! GIMMIEE MONEY!" Jordan yells. Oy, welcome to the fandom Jordan. After he finishes a long  summery of how he loved a specific episode, he quiets down and takes your arms. "I can't believe you beat up those jerks for me, that's the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me." You blush. "Y/N?" He asks "Yes?" You ask "I love you, so much." You look into his eyes "I love you too." You say.

Ahh the feels! I can't! *leaves room* *enters room with Levi Acckerman body pillow.* better.
Anyways sorry I've been AFK forever! It's a week til' school starts and I've been vacationing! #makingitlast anyways new updates in the very near future! Girl power cuz' you punched a guy in the face 20 times! Luv ya! *banana emoji*-DatZombieGal

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