Little Things

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Reid was on the jet, flying back from a week in Houston. Their last day has been a long one. He'd witnessed one of the most horrifying things anyone could ever see. All he wanted to do now was return home. He was looking out the window when from the corner of his eye he saw someone sit down. He turned to see Hotch.
"How are you doing?" He asked in his usual tone.
Reid gave a simple shrug,"I'm okay."
Why he thought that would fool his boss was beyond him.
"What you saw, what happen, that's not easy to process. Especially for someone like you, who has what you do." Hotch explained. While moistening his lips, Reid nodded,"I'm really fine, sir."
Knowing he'd done all he could, he gave a nod. After Hotch had stood, returning to his seat across from Rossi, and a sleeping Emily, Reid took out his phone.

JJ was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, putting the last of the plates in the dishwasher. She looked at the time. 8:36. Just as she did, her phone rang.
She smiled as she read the caller ID, and answered.
"I thought you would call." She answered.
"Well I've been calling the same time every night, of course you'd expect it." Reid smiled through the phone.
JJ gave a laugh,"Are you flying back?"
"Yeah, I should be home soon. I just wanted to check in."
"Okay, we'll talk when you get in. I love you." She said softly.
Reid grinned,"I love you too." And with that, they broke the connection.

Half an hour later, Reid quietly entered his house. He placed his keys and bag down before walking further into the living room. He immediately smiled. JJ was on the couch, curled up in a blanket asleep, in her arms was their little 3 year old girl. He walked over quietly and sat down beside them. He fixed the blanket, keeping them both covered. He brushed the fallen strands out of his wife's face, waking her from her light sleep. He watched her eyes flutter open, once her vision cleared she smiled.
"Hey." She whispered. Staying cautious of her sleeping daughter.
"Hey. I didn't mean to wake you."
"I'm glad you did." She sat up slightly, instantly regretting it when her daughter started to stir. Reid couldn't help but laugh as his little girl opened her baby blue eyes.
"Daddy."she said happily, but tiredly. She crawled the 9 inch distance to her father and collapsed into his arms.
"Hey Lily, come here." He smiled and held her close.
"I missed you daddy." She confessed looking at him.
"I know princess, I missed you too." He tucked her brown curls behind her ears as she curled up in him and started falling asleep again. They made sure she was before they started speaking again. He stroked her head lightly, patting her hair down.
"How was the case?" JJ finally asked. Her hand extended across to her husbands hand who met her halfway.
"Well..we got him." He said simply.
"What happen?" She questioned in a whisper.
He sighed,"We lost the little girl. We found her in the house, well...I did. She was upstairs in her room and her uncle was with her. He had the knife to her. I-...I tried everything I could but..." He couldn't finished. The thought, the memory hurt him too much.
Her heart broke,"Spence...that was not your fault. You can't blame yourself.." She said gently.
He swallowed,"I can't help it." He looked down at Lily. She was sound asleep. He kissed her head carefully.
"Her eyes...they reminded me of Lily's." He looked up,"And yours." He sighed,"Sometimes I just think I don't do enough, like I'm not helping, or protecting anyone."
"Hey,"JJ took his hand and laced her fingers with his,"You do. You help people, and protect them, every day. Especially us, don't ever doubt that."
She didn't let him respond, instead she brought her lips to his. He responded, and his hand came to the back of her head. She gave him a soft smile,"I love you."
He returned a similar smile,"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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