Chapter 4

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"Geez, Kitty cat, you're like the female version of Christian Grey huh?"

"Who?" The CEO asks as she gives Lalisa the tour.

"Duuude. That guy from the movie Fifty Shades of Grey? Hello. Super rich, super control freak, hot but with huge mommy issues. Just asking because I don't really want to end up being smacked with a leather belt without my consent then got chased down the elevator when I burn an egg or something."

Jennie has no idea what Lisa's talking about but she noticed the glint in those doe eyes with the mention of leather belt. Interesting. Jennie will think more about that later tonight, so she just continues with the tour.

Lalisa rode in the back of the town car with her in silence. Jennie thinks the Thai was just as nervous as the she was. It probably didn't help that the CEO got on the phone with the coffee shop manager and fired him for sexual harassment. She was sure Lisa was happy to see him go, but the Thai seemed uncomfortable being present while she did it. The asshole was lucky Jennie had an overwhelming desire to get Lisa in her home or she would've paid him a visit.

As always when they reach her building, Hank, her driver and bodyguard let them out, and then went back to the vehicle. He knows that almost no one is welcome inside the Korean's home, so she assumes any questions he has about Lalisa, he is smart enough to keep it to himself.

Jennie said hello to Jimmy, the daytime doorman and overall manager of the building's entrance. There are four other doormen who work there, but Jimmy is the only one the Korean deals with. It is extremely unusual for him to see her twice in one day. Normally he's there at five a.m. when Jennie is leaving for work, but the night guard is who normally greets her on her way home late in the evenings. Jimmy has been a doorman for decades, so anything out of the ordinary is taken in stride. He greeted Jennie and Lisa and with courtesy, as if it is an everyday occurrence and not an oddity. Jennie added a mental note to email him and give Lalisa full security access. She also reminded herself to add to his Christmas bonus. Professionalism goes a long way with the CEO.

Once Lisa and her are inside the penthouse, she shows her through the place. From the first step off the elevator there's a foyer with two large double doors. Jennie gives Lisa her spare key, and let her know to keep it close. Jimmy has a key that will work in an emergency, so Lisa is the only other person besides Hank who has the ability to enter the Korean's home. People can get off the elevator and come to the front door, but access inside is limited.

Jennie takes Lisa through the door and show her the open floor plan. The large living space is surrounded by windows with views of the city. Jennie loves this space, and it's a good thing, since she spends every moment she's not at work in it. But for some reason Jennie wants Lisa to like it too. She wants the Thai's approval.

When she finished showing Lisa the kitchen, dining room and gym, it's time to show the Thai the bedrooms. Jennie has apprehensions about this because she knows she will feel the tension of having someone in her space. No one besides her has been in her bedroom, so Jennie's preparing for the inevitable panic attack.

"So this is the great Jennie Kim's bed-chamber?" Lisa asks when she opens the door to the master suite.

"This is where I sleep, yes," Jennie says, and brace herself for the anxiety.

Lalisa pushes by her and walks over to the bed. The master suite is quite large, with the bed in the middle of the room. The CEO wanted to be able to face the city when she slept and this was the only way she could control that. The Thai makes a full circle around the bed and then eventually sits on the edge of it. She looks so comfortable in Jennie's space. Like she belongs there. Jennie feels her chest warm, and she almost wants to laugh. She's like a kid who received her wish.

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