Later that night, freshly showered, Lisa sits in the middle of their bed waiting for Jennie to finish her shower. After everyone cleared out, the Thai excused herself to clean away the filth she felt was on her skin. She was in the shower for over twenty minutes before she realized Jennie wouldn't be joining her.
When she finally came out, the CEO was just sitting on the end of the bed head down, looking at her hands on her lap. When Lisa tried brushing her fingers through Jennie's hair, the Korean flinched away from her and mumbled that she was taking her own shower now that Lisa was out. Thirty minutes later, Jennie's still in the bathroom. She thinks the CEO is trying to outlast her. Hoping Lisa will pass out before she comes out. Not fucking happening.
"You're still awake? You should really get your rest, Lalisa." The use of her full name only makes the Thai glare at Jennie.
"What. The. Fuck. Kitty?" She whips back at the CEO. She has no clue what Jennie's deal is.
"Let's not do this tonight, Lisa. You need to get some rest and we'll talk about it in the morning," Jennie says in a defeated voice. She's tired as fuck, but Lisa is more tired of the 'we'll talk about it later' shit from the CEO.
"No, now. You were hoping I would be asleep, weren't you? Just admit it. You didn't want to talk to me."
Making her way over to the bed, Jennie sits down next to Lisa, brushing a finger up the Thai's jaw before tucking few strands of hair behind her ear.
"You need new color. This has washed out too much. I got you more dye. I left it on the sink."
Lisa roll her eyes at Jennie's statement even though she wants to throw herself at the gorgeous Korean and kiss her until she can barely breathe.
"Answer me."
"You're right, I wanted you to be asleep when I came out here," Jennie says without telling her more. It looks like she's going to have to pull it from the Korean.
"Why?" she says, dragging out the word to show her annoyance.
"I-I... I wanted one more night. To hold you in my arms before you push me away come morning."
"You're shitting me right now, aren't you?" It comes out harsher than she means, but Lisa wasn't expecting Jennie to say that. She's not really sure what she thought the Korean was going to say if she's honest with herself. Maybe that she's more trouble than she's worth or something.
It feels like Jennie is pushing her away, but Dan's words ring in Lisa's head. 'She's obsessed with you.' The idea of Jennie being obsessed with her, fucking thrills her. Hell, it turns Lisa on.
She pulls Jennie onto her lap ignoring the shock on the CEO's face.
"Because you're obsessed with me?" she taunts, letting a smile play on her lips. Catlike eyes jerk up to hers and Jennie just stares at her and says nothing.
"Tell me, Jennie. Are you going to lock me in a room and never let me out?" She jokes.
Jennie's face turns even more grim at her words. Maybe making a Dan joke wasn't the best idea. Pfft.
"I won't lie, Lisa. I've thought about it."
Lisa chuckle at Jennie's words. "Good luck with that, Kitty cat."
Leaning in, she places a kiss on Jennie's mouth. The older girl returns it, harder than she expected. And before Lisa knows it, she's lying down in the bed beneath Jennie who is hovering over her.
"I'm not fucking around, Lalisa. I've become so obsessed with you, I'm not sure what I'd do to keep you. The lines I wouldn't cross. I'm not sure if you asked me to leave, I'd let you," Jennie confesses. Oh wow, why does she finds Jennie swearing hot?
"But moments ago, you said you thought I would leave in the morning."
"Thinking and doing are two totally different things. I'm not sure what I would've done come morning."
Reaching up, she placed a soft kiss on Jennie's lips, and mumbles, "Okay," because she doesn't really care. Jennie wants her there, she wants to be with Jennie, so what does it matter? When she presses her hand at the small of Jennie's back to try pull the Korean further into her, Jennie pulls away.
"You're not taking this seriously. It's a real fear, Lisa. My father was so obsessed with my mother he killed her. Aren't you scared I might do the same?"
"No," she answers, simply because she is not. Jennie would never hurt a hair on her head. The idea is utterly ridiculous. Plus, no matter how powerful Jennie is, for Lisa she's still her Miss Kitty. Hot, intense yet still adorable at times.
"You should be. I've fought this unexplainable craving I have for you from the beginning. I saw where it was leading. Haven't you wondered why I've never so much as kissed someone before you? Because I couldn't let myself be like my father. I couldn't allow myself to become obsessed with something that way. But you pulled me in and you didn't even have to try. You were just you, and I was mesmerized by everything that that you did. Just being near you was the first time I've ever truly felt alive. I couldn't let you go, and now here I am, becoming the one thing I fought my whole life not to be."
"Do you want to kill me, Jennie? Would you, if I tried to leave you?"
"God, No! I would never hurt you, Lisa, not like that. And, you're not leaving me, again. Ever."
"Then what does it matter? I know you wouldn't hurt me, and I never want to leave. I love you, Jennie. Can't you see that? You make me whole. We're perfect for each other. My chaos to your order. I only ran because I thought you could never love me. But in reality you loved me so much it scared you. Look at us trying to push each other away because we fear the other will reject us. When in fact it's those things that draw us together."
"Do you really mean that?"
"Every word. Feel free to become totally, absolutely obsessed with me. In fact I encourage it," Lisa says, smiling broadly and nodding her head. Who doesn't want the person they love consumed by them?
"Marry me?"
"I'd do it right now if there was a judge in the room."
Jennie makes a move to get off the bed, but Lisa wraps her longer arms and legs around the smaller girl's and hold to Jennie. "Don't be absurd, we'll talk about that later. First, do the thing where you give me so many orgasms that I can't move."
She can see Jennie thinking about something for a second and then she looks at her and give her that toe-curling smile. Damn, she's fucking sexy. "I've just cleared my to-do list for today. The only thing on my agenda is making you happy, so scoot over so I can lie down, and you can sit on my face."
Lisa laughed heartily, happiness emanating from within her, as she does what she's been told. One day, she's gonna marry this woman. For now, she needs those orgasms.
Last chapter will be up before the day ends 😉

The Arrangement (JenLisa)
FanfictionJennie Kim, CEO of Kim Enterprise has been crushing, no, obsessing on the hot punk-princess Barista who works at the coffee shop below her building. She wants her, she'll have her-in any way possible. Lisa Manoban had a tough life. Being a Barista...