Chapter 14

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They are in the limo on the way to the benefit and Jennie look over to see Lalisa is on the verge of tears. She was such a bitch, an asshole, really. She didn't tell Lisa she looked beautiful, even though Lisa does. But she was just completely shocked by the transformation, and the CEO doesn't like it.

The two of them had found a rhythm the past few weeks and Jennie has never been happier. Her world has been neatly lined and perfectly ordered, but the CEO knows tonight is going to change all that.

Kariza has been extra chatty since they got in the limo because she's trying to ease the tension, something the other woman does when she's nervous. She and Kariza have been friends since elementary school, and though she cares for the other woman, her feelings have never gone beyond friendship. Jennie has always looked at the other girls more as a sister than as a woman.

Jennie has been so absorbed with her Lalisa lately that she completely forgot that Kariza was coming tonight. Lisa has consumed every waking thought she has. Kariza and the CEO always go to these charity auctions together because both of their investment firms donate generously to the children's hospital. They had this standing agreement to be each other's date for over five years, but this year it slipped Jennie's mind. It wasn't until Kariza walked into her office wearing an evening dress that she remembered they were supposed to go together. She filled her friend in a little on the way to the penthouse but didn't go into details as her thoughts were so scattered.

Jennie is aggravated with herself because her life is organized and structured, and she never forget things. She obsesses and plans, and she doesn't allow things to fall through the cracks. Tonight, she forgot about Kariza and she can see how much it hurt Lalisa. The Thai was looking out the window and taking deep breaths. Lisa is obviously trying to hold on to her tears with iron control, and finally Jennie snaps. She can't stand not touching her Lisa anymore. Which is insane because Jennie has gone out of her way her whole life to not touch anyone, and now Lisa's touch is one that she craves.

The Korean reaches across the seat and entwine her fingers with Lisa's. The taller woman flinches at the first touch and then closes her eyes, still facing the window. Jennie run the tips of her fingers across Lisa's wrist and touch the large bracelet she has there.

Lalisa looks lovely tonight, classic, as if she had always been into this kind of events. Everything from head to toe is polished, except the bracelet. Jennie smiles at it while she touch Lisa's wrist because this has to be Lisa's already. It wasn't Jennie's, and no way would the stylist have brought it in. So instantly, Jennie love this bracelet more than anything in the world. It's a cuff around her wrist made of white plastic with skull prints yet covered in sparkles. It was both punk and cute. It's the only thing on the Thai's body that looks like her, so Jennie keeps rubbing Lisa's wrist and looking at it.

Lalisa finally turns to look at Jennie, and they lock eyes. Kariza is still chatty, yet they have both tuned her out. In this moment, it's only Jennie and her Lisa alone in the world.

"I forgot to tell you that you look lovely tonight, Lisa."

"Thank you. You look beautiful as well, Jennie."

"I'm sorry, I should've told you that Kariza was coming but I forgot that too. You seem to distract me."

With that, Lisa gives her a small smile, and Jennie feels some of the ice between them chips away.

"Please don't be upset with me. I can't stand the thought of hurting you."

Lisa touches her cheek and Jennie leans onto it, she wanted to purr like a cat if only they are alone, she might have. Then Lisa gives her a little nod, telling her it's okay. The Thai might not be over it completely, but Jennie can sense Lisa's trying to forgive her.

She looks at Lalisa and though the woman was utterly gorgeous, the Korean can't help but hate the way Lisa's dressed up. She doesn't look comfortable, and she doesn't look like her free-spirited Lisa. She's wearing too much makeup, and her hair is all wrong. She took out the colors Jennie loves so much, and she misses them already. Lisa's clothes are too formal, and the heels look uncomfortable on the Thai's feet. Jennie wants to take them off and rub her toes. The Korean's chest gets tight and she can't get over the weird feeling inside her right now.

Jennie takes a deep breath and realizes her anxiety is back. She goes through her mental checklist and realize it's because she is taking Lalisa into the snake pit tonight. There will be so many people who will judge them and Lisa, and she's a nervous ball of energy. She never want Lisa around some of these people and she has tried to protect her as long as possible. She has avoided taking Lisa out in public to keep her out of the press. There's always some paparazzi stalking Jennie, trying to get the next big scoop, so she has tried to hide her to try to keep that part of Jennie's life away from her sunshine. It's not that she hasn't wanted Lisa out in the world with her, it's just that she wants to shelter Lisa from everything bad in her life, including these assholes with more money than decency at this function tonight. These snobs love to gossip, and Jennie doesn't like giving them a new subject. Lisa is more precious to her than that.

After a moment of holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, Jennie notices Kariza has stopped talking. She glances over to see the other woman is playing some game on her phone, so she must have realized no one was listening. Jennie looks back at Lisa, and the other woman reaches out to touch Jennie's face again. Once more, she leans into Lisa's hand, absorbing the comfort the other girl was offering and Jennie's anxiety slows a little. She is not ready to do this but knowing that at least she can keep Lisa by her side and as protected as possible assures Jennie she'll be able to get through this night without incident.

A few minutes later Hank is pulling the limo up to the front of the venue and the valet opens our door. Kariza steps out first then next was Jennie. Once she's on her feet, she reaches her hand to help Lalisa out of the car and turn just in time to see the taller woman snags her heel on a crack on the pavement.

"Oh, shit."

Jennie grabs Lisa's arm just in time, so she doesn't face plant on the concrete, but not before Lisa's knee hits the curb.

"Fuck!" Lisa shouts and it echoes around the entrance of the museum. The Korean woman looks up to see a group of people have stopped and turned to stare, whispering to each other as Lalisa tries to untangle her feet from her dress. Jennie sees flashes out of the corner of her eye and realized a group of photographers are taking pictures of the incident. Anger floods her body, and her hands starts to shake. How dare they look at Lisa like she's an accident on the highway.

Jennie turns her attention back to Lisa and try to help her up. Kariza is there just as fast as she was and is quickly getting Lalisa's high heeled shoe untangled.

"There we go," Kariza says, and helps Lalisa to her feet.

"Let's get inside," Jennie clips, and put Lalisa's arm around hers to help the taller woman steady herself as they walk in.

"I'm sorry," Lisa whispers, and Jennie hears the shame in her voice.

"Don't be sorry, Lalisa, accidents happen," Jennie says, and she can still feel the anger moving through her. She wants to erase that moment from the memories of everyone who saw it, and Jennie want to delete every picture taken that she knows will be all over the internet before the night is over. No one deserves to lay eyes on her beautiful Lisa. They don't deserve to see Lisa vulnerable and needing help. Jennie tries to breathe, tries to relax, and hope that tonight goes well and as few people as possible saw the incident.

"It's totally fine, Lisa. One time I tucked my dress into my Spanx and spent three hours talking to the Prime Minister of New Zealand before someone told me! You'll live," Kariza says, and gives Lisa's other hand a little squeeze.

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