Chapter 6

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Lisa feels like she's on a cloud. When she open her eyes it takes her a minute to adjust to all the light in the room. The bright sun bounces off the white walls, making everything brighter than it should be. Sitting up, the Thai looks around to see where Jennie is. Maybe she didn't come home. The thought makes a lump form in her throat.

Dragging herself from probably the world's most comfortable bed, she makes her way to the bathroom to do her business. She's not Jennie's mother. She can't be upset that the CEO didn't come home last night.

Then she notices the towel she left on the floor is gone. Lisa rushes to the closet, and slides the door open, and all Jennie's suits are back in order. A wide smile spreads across Lisa's face. Not because Ms. Kitty put everything back the way it was, but because this means Jennie came home.

Lisa wonders if she slept in the same room with her, too. The idea of Jennie sliding into bed with her sends a thrill through Lisa. She was sure she was going to be woken up and told to move her ass to another room. But Jennie didn't do anything like that.

The Thai excitedly searches the rest of the penthouse for Jennie with no luck, until she spots a note on the kitchen counter. Next to the note is some cash, a credit card, and a cell phone. Swiping her finger across the phone, she sees the backdrop is a picture of a snowy Christmas tree. Odd. Pulling up the contacts, Lisa sees there are two numbers saved. Jennie Cellphone & Jennie Office.

The barista snatches up the note and sees Jennie's perfect handwriting.


I'll be home around 7. I left some cash for you to pay for the motel, and a credit card for anything else you might need.

Jennie Kim

Lisa's disappointed at its simplicity. No 'call me' or a word about last night. The CEO not acknowledging it bugs her.

She picks up the cash and count it. Jesus, she exclaimed. Jennie left her a thousand dollars. Picking the phone back up, she holds her finger over Jennie's cell number. She wants to call her, but she doesn't want to seem needy or desperate or something. Lisa hates how this thing is making her feel. Why is she like this with Jennie?

Shit. It's nine thirty already. She's going to be late to meet Lily.

Quickly grabbing her work pants and sneakers, she slides them on, and tuck one of Kitty's dress shirts into the pants. It's all she's got, and she'll have to do until she makes it back to the motel to grab more of her stuff.

It only takes Lisa thirty minutes to make it across town riding a cab with the cash Jennie left her. She had the driver drop her off down the street from the motel so she can grab some donuts at the coffee shop nearby. When she finally makes it to their room, she's disappointed Lily isn't there.

Shit. I hope she got my message, she thought.

Dropping the donuts down on the bed, Lisa pulls out her new phone and calls her sister, but it goes straight to voicemail. Double shit.

Heading to the bathroom, she starts packing her stuff up. The Thai guesses she'll just leave Lily a note. Then it dawns on her, that she can actually text her sister. Jennie got her a new phone!

Unnie, it's Lisa. Got a new phone.

Hey, sweet pea. Sorry I missed your call last night. Tried to call back but number came up unavailable.

You coming home soon? Lots to talk about.

I'm busy. I got a job.

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