Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Pam was one in a million. I was so lucky to have her as a friend. We had met four years before when I started working for Leo Baxter. Leo ran a news agency, and he was also the editor of the magazine Gossip Today, which was very popular. I had just graduated from journalism school when I had my interview with him. I was nervous, and I was sure I would not be chosen, but he liked me and he employed me without asking too many questions. Leo adored women, and I knew from the start that he was a playboy, yet I fell for him just the same. I started to work as a journalist but six months later I was promoted to a personal assistant. I helped Leo in the production of the magazine. He always says that he can't cope without me and that I'm the best personal assistant he ever had. I loved my job, yet right now I wish to leave. How will I manage to keep going, seeing him every day with another woman?

Pam had warned me about him when she realized something was going on between us. Initially, I thought she was just jealous, but soon I realized she was right and that she was the only true Friend I had at Baxter Tabloids.

I walked towards the beach. There was a pathway made of timber planks that led towards the Beach house. It was deserted at this time of the morning. I sat around one table and gazed at the rough sea. What did I do last night? My head was going to explode. And this time, I didn't control the nausea that clawed into my stomach. I ran towards the sea and threw up. My God, I felt terrible. I washed my face with the cold seawater and exhaled, hoping the fresh air would make me feel better. I closed my eyes and recalled the events of the past day.

"I'm leaving you." Leo had said without mercy. His voice lacked compassion. He was a vile bastard. Tears flooded my eyes as I heard him saying that he didn't love me and that he had someone else. I tried to contain myself. I struggled not to break down in front of him. We were in his office, outside there was the secretary. I took care of his business during the day and tried to fulfill his needs during the night when requested. But I failed, I wasn't enough. Only now I realize that I was never his lover, more likely his doormat. He has never been faithful. I knew that, yet I've been his faithful other half for the last three years. Maybe I was an idiot or a masochist. That was what my friend Pam calls me sometimes and I know she is right, but when you're in love, you do stupid things. You accept even the unacceptable and I have been so in love with Leo that I forgave all his betrayals, telling myself that he'll change once we get married.

Five months before, he gave me an eternity ring. He had promised me eternal love and now he has left me. A tear ran down my cheek as I remembered how cruel his words had been.

"I never loved you, but you've been important. You are cute, but you're not sexy. I'm sorry, but I can never marry someone like you. I hope we can forget the past years and continue to work together, as you are the best personal assistant I have ever had."

My stomach clenched with disgust and my heart bleeds as I relive in my mind that moment. I was hurt, and shocked, and my vision became blurry. I didn't even know what to say. I dashed out of his office in tears. Pam found me in the ladies' room where I sat on the toilet lid and cried my soul out. She tried to comfort me, but I was inconsolable.

"He's a jerk, and he did you a favour leaving you." Pam spat when I told her what had happened. "I've always told you to leave him. He doesn't deserve you. Don't you realize you're wasting your life? Do you want to marry a man like that? A man who will always betray you. You want to have his children?"

I remained silent, hearing her harsh words. She was right. Leo wasn't the right man for me, but I loved him.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the beautiful dawn. I stood up. I felt better now. I hoped Pam wouldn't be long. I couldn't wait to go away from there.

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