f i f t y . f o u r✔

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Alessandro's POV::

It was the day of the feast. A feast Father had organised to celebrate the captivity of Camellia and the beginning of the fall of the Italian mafia.

Camellia. Her name, once a bitter taste on my tongue, now lingers in my thoughts like a sweet melody.

 I despised her for reasons even I can't fully digest now. Perhaps it was the way she effortlessly broke the rules, or maybe because Father always appreciated her. When young she danced on the edges of rebellion with a fearless grin that both enraged and charmed me.

Or maybe it was the undeniable fact that she could effortlessly persuade the opinions of our peers, leaving me in her shadow.

After she and Adriano escaped the Russian Warehouse years back, Savio and his father were the ones who buried the dead bodies of Valerie and Adam,

I, being my 12-year-old childish self was spying on them, I decided to tell Father but then I saw Savio crying and that was when something inside of me changed. I decided against doing that.

 I went to Savio the next day and he told me about all the good times he had with the Four Musketeers as they called themselves.

That was also the beginning of our friendship.

I wouldn't blame the child-me for being an attention seeker. Oh, how could I?

If wanting the attention of your own father was being an attention seeker then call me one, I don't care. The only I had for despising Camellia was that she always had his attention and she wasn't even his own blood.

Then as years passed, I got to know the problem was not Camellia, it was my asshole dad all along. 

My mother, on the other hand, is the epitome of strength, kindness, and uncompromising love

I still remember the way her laughter filled our home, a fact that could chase away the darkest clouds. Her hands, cherished from tender care, held mine through scraped knees, broken dreams, and the rough storms of childhood. 

She was my anchor, the one who made the world seem a little less dark.

If I have even the slightest of goodwill and compassion inside of me, it's because of my mother.

But life, it seems, had a cruel script written for her. Dad, who was once my role model and a sturdy pillar of our family, fell into the lure of infidelity.

He cheated on mom. 

I watched helplessly as the woman who defined grace steered the storm of heartbreak with a quiet dignity that spoke power. 

Her tears, though hidden from my sight, echoed in the hollow chambers of our home. The pain etched on her face is eternally etched in my memory.

She didn't get a divorce. She said that she was too powerful to free a yearning bird that my father was for lust. It was her reputation after all.

I asked her to get a divorce maybe a thousand times, but she didn't listen.

Her relationship fell apart, A couple who were lauded amongst all of the mafias in the world were left torn, all because of my scumbag of a father.

She didn't let the world see her grief but her eyes lost their sparkle and so did her laughter. 

She tried to hold on, but the weight of the betrayal was too much, that she left the world and killed herself.

I remember the day like it was yesterday, I was playing football on the ground with Savio and when I came back and went to her room, I saw a pool of blood and the lifeless body of my mother lying on the ground with a gun in her hand

This house has never been the same since she left. Even though she's gone, her presence lingers in the quiet corners, a bittersweet reminder of the love that once adorned our walls. 

The rooms may be empty, but the memories are full, and the pain of her absence paints the walls with a kind of sadness only silence can convey.

My Father didn't marry anyone but the woman, who I don't know of to date, bore a girl child and she left him too. That child is my step-sister Lily, or Priya who she impersonated to get Camellia's attention

Karma? maybe.

I loathe my father ever since and I can do anything to bring him down to ashes. 

After Mom died, Savio asked me to contact Camellia and Adriano and so I did

I went to an underground combat fight of hers and saw her fight. She was one strong girl.

I talked to her in the warm-up room but it was years ago, she probably forgot about it, but I haven't.

She didn't know it was me. I had built myself a great physique after Mom's demise. 

I talked to her and she told me about her life and how rough it had been and that was when I realized, all my life I have been doing nothing but make her life more miserable

My POV on everything changed that day. I felt a sort of connection with her, I don't know if it was love. Love is a strong word. Her unwavering determination has started to evoke a grudge of admiration.

 I find myself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, wondering if our shared history might hold the key to unlocking a different kind of connection?

When years later, a few months back Father announced he was back on his mission to bring down the  Italian Mafia, I decided to be on a mission to bring my father down, even if it meant I had to help the rival mafia.

I have to take revenge for Mom's death and take word on it, I,  Alessandro Vladimir Gustavo, will do whatever it is in my strength to burn down the empire my Father built and make sure he pays for it. There's no in-between. 

The voice of Savio brought me back from my pool of thoughts 

"The arrangements are done. We have to evoke the plan as soon as possible, " He said turning off his two-way radio

"I was born ready"



You will not believe but I wrote all this in one go and typed whatever I, as an author, thought Ales must have felt and imagined the whole thing and I can guarantee you this is the most beautiful piece of literature you will find out there.

Anyway, I thought I should write Alessandro's POV and clear things on why he's helping Camellia and her family.

I loved writing it, but did you?

Please comment and vote, I read every single comment of yours<333

Love, Aans<3

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