f o u r✔

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It's probably been a week or two. I lost count a long time ago. Since these days it's had just been me and the cast on my arm. I believe Dr. Yang was not joking when he said that he would treat most of the wounds, because according to what I have noticed, the wounds are healed and all there left is the scars. Looking on the bright side I am getting dispatched today, The daughter of the bitch Stephanie barely comes to check in between and about Chelsea. Well, she is still nice to me but I think Dr. Yang told her about me knowing their secret so she might be a little rough sometimes when she takes my blood for random tests but she is fine I guess.

I have never felt lonely like this. Back in the orphanage, whenever I felt sad or lonely there was Adriano and when he was gone, I spent my time with little Charlie, Books, and practicing boxing, And here I was. In the hospital where I neither had Charlie nor books or Boxing. It was just me and my overwhelming devious subconscious mind. All it feels like is walking on a path without any directions, without any idea when it will end or where it will end. It is feeling like you are meant to suffer alone, loneliness is suffering alone.

I sighed counting the 38 tiles on the roof over and over again until the door bolted open and in came Stephanie still chewing her gum. I wonder how many gums she eats in a day.

"Hey Camellia, How are you feeling," She asked sweetly which sounded very wrong and fake to me

"I was feeling as fit as a flea until you showed up," I said sarcastically as she flashed me a humorless smile

"Let's cut to the chase. You are getting discharged today and your oh-so-hot brother is here to take you with him" She said intaking a deep breath and explaining which made me frown in queasiness.

"I am not going anywhere with anyone." I protested against the decision that she made without including me 

"Oops," She said grinning "Too late" She motioned to the door as I heard it bolt open 

"Come in Dominic!!" She called outside and I saw the door being pushed open by a tall 6'6 muscular guy probably in his early twenties who I noticed had the same deep brown eyes and dusky raven hair. His face held a cold grimace and he certainly could make his glance fall on one as trenchant and heavy as an axe. I observed his stiff and attentive body language which held this powerful aura, the feeling of superiorness was the only thing radiating off of him. 

For a long time, he said nothing. He kept as still as a stone watching my every breath. Observing me from head to toe. He hardly seemed to be breathing at all. When at last he began to speak, it sounded almost as though he was the ruler of the world. The authority and power his voice held were to be noted.

"Dominic, Dominic Durazzo" He held out his hand for me to shake it but I ignored it anyways.

'yeah and I am James, James Bond what is this an interview' I thought and heard a high-pitched laughter from Stephanie while Dominic just stood there, the corner of his lips turning into a sleek smile

"Shit, I said that out loud," I said my eyes widening and cheeks heating due to embarrassment

"Apparently yes. you did" Dominic said shaking his head from side to side and holding out his hand again which I reluctantly took. We both shot a pointed look at Stephanie and she excused herself from the gaze of the Durazzos

"I am your second oldest brother" He introduced and I mumbled an 'I know under my breathe

"Okay So let me get this straight," I said sitting back up straight "When are you leaving?" 

"Today. And It should be when are we leaving and not me. You are my sister"  He said authoritatively

"I don't care. Alright?" I said rolling my eyes "I am not going anywhere"

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