Chapter 9

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Jake answered his phone. "Colby? What's up brother?" "Jake, you need to come up to my room. V is freaking out and I can't get her to calm down." "I'll be up in just a sec." Before Colby knew, Jake hung up and came running upstairs to Colby's room.

He flung the door open and ran over to the bed, instantly engulfing me in a hug. "Hey, V calm down sis, it's okay." I clung to him tightly while sobbing. "Jake.. it happened again.." He just rubbed my back gently. "I know sis, I know. It's gonna be okay."

"I want mom.." "it's okay V, I know you do. I want her back too." Colby was just sitting there worried about me. "You wanna hear the song that calms you down?" I just simply nodded still sobbing while clung to him. Jake had one arm around me and was getting the Karaoke version of Colby's song, Skin, open so he could sing it to me.

Jake handed the phone to Colby. "It's her favorite song, she listens to it on repeat every day for hours." Colby nodded and took the phone. Once he started to sing I slowly started to calm down. By the time he had finished the song I had stopped crying.

"What time is it?" I asked wiping my tears away. "It's close to midnight sis." I sighed, I wish I would stop having these nightmares. "I'm sorry for waking you up.." Colby just shook his head. "Don't be, it's okay V. I'm glad I woke up."

I yawned again and passed out while sitting up, then I slowly started to lean towards Colby. My head fell resting on his shoulder. Jake looked at the two of us and just sighed. "Colby, brother, can you be honest with me?" Colby nodded. "Of course brother, I'll be 100% honest with you." "Are you starting to catch feelings for V?"

Colby looked at him shocked by his question. "Okay, you said to be honest so I will admit that I am catching feelings for her." Jake nodded. "I thought so. Listen Colby, I think you two would be a great couple. But I can't see her get hurt again. The last guy was a real piece of shit, not saying you are or anything I'm just looking out for her."

"I completely understand Jake, and listen man, you know I don't date but for V, I would give everyone up for her." Jake smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "Good, give her time to fully warm up to you before you try anything though." Colby nodded in agreement. "Though I don't think will take her long considering she's had a crush on you since she first started watching your videos." Colby chuckled at that response.

I slept the rest of the night perfectly fine. When I woke up Colby had his arms around me and I was cuddled up next to him. I just laid there with my eyes closed until I felt him moving to get up. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and I once again felt my cheeks heat up. I heard him chuckle before he spoke in his gravely morning voice. "Good morning sweetheart."

"Good morning." I responded in my morning voice and just smiled at him. Waking up next to him was amazing. Before I could get too lost in my thoughts I checked the time. I had an hour until my online classes started. I snuggled up to him a little more and he held me closer to him. I looked up at his face and he was looking down at me with those pretty blue eyes of his.

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