Chapter 21

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After Jake and Corey were done insulting each other we walked out to go find the car we were renting for the next few days. It was a nice car, a black 1970 Cadillac Coupe Deville. It had plenty room for all of us and our stuff. "So who's driving first?" Sam held out the keys. "I will!" "NO!" All of us yelled in unison.

Jake pouted and got in the back seat. "I can if you want me to brother." Colby suggested and Sam agreed getting in the back with Jake. Corey and I looked at each other and at the empty passenger seat then back to each other. "SHOT GUN!" We both yelled in unison. I shoved him out of the way playfully and got up front locking the door.

Everyone in the car was laughing at Corey's failed attempt to get the passenger seat. He got in the backseat and Colby started driving us to the house which was about an hour and a half away from the airport. The whole ride there we were jamming to music from our joined playlist. The first song that came on was one from my list, it was my favorite song. The guys in the backseat were laughing due to Colby's reaction hearing his song being the first one that played.

"SHE SAID YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" I turned the volume up and screamed the lyrics. Eventually everyone joined in. "CAUSE I CAN'T FORGIVE MYSELF, IF IM JUST A SERVANT TO MY PAIN!" We all screamed in unison from that point forward but it was fun. When the second song came on it got really quiet and we all looked at Sam.

He just looked out the window, propping his head on his hand. "Do you want us to skip the song Sammy boy?" He just simply nodded trying not to cry hearing Kats voice. "Who put 'Gone' in the playlist anyway.. we just made this last week.." His voice cracked we all felt bad for him. I simply shrugged after changing the song.

The song that we were listening to when we pulled up was 'Trap House Anthem' and the guys screamed the lyrics. I smiled to myself while listening to them screaming the lyrics. These guys were amazing and I loved each and every one of them all in different manners though. Jake, obviously he's my brother so of course I love him, he's been there for me my whole life. Sam and Corey, they're goofballs and I couldn't ask for better friends, they know how to lighten the mood. Then there's Colby, he's a sweetheart and the more I hangout with him the more I start to really like him, maybe someday we'll become more than just best friends.

We got out of the car and instantly I felt a chill go down my spine. This place is a lot creepier than I expected it to be and if I'm honest, I'm fucking terrified to do this. I knew that I would be okay since the guys are with me but something just wasn't right about this place. Sam pulled out his camera and was the first one to walk in showing the whole house off. The rest of us walked in behind him, and the chills got worse. I don't have a good feeling about this trip anymore.

The house itself was beautiful and the view was amazing but this whole thing was just creepy. I almost regret agreeing to be here all throughout this weekend then staying Monday night too. The good thing is that Sam and Colby have both already been here once so they knew a bit about the place. As for Jake, Corey, and me, we had never been here before, I only knew a little bit about it since I watched their first video here plus I did some research, but not near enough to where I would be comfortable staying here alone. Thankfully I wasn't alone and I had to keep reminding myself of that. We went upstairs first just to look around and we decided that this is the room we would stay in.

Unfortunately there were only two beds that were small so one of us would have to sleep on the floor which of course Jake offered to be the one to do so. We then decided that Sam and Corey would share a bed and Colby and I were sharing a bed. Once we got the sleeping arrangements figured out we went back downstairs to look around some more. Every time we walked into a room the lights would flicker which I figured was just the spirits saying hello. We were avoiding the basement for now, saving it for later. While we were looking around Colby started yelling which freaked all of us out.

"Dude what??" Sam asked pointing the camera at Colby who was pointing at a cabinet. "Dude it's Robert! It's fucking Robert!" I looked past him and flipped my shit a little. "What the fuck no. No no no fuck that don't film that doll again!" Too late, Sam already had the camera pointed at him. "It is Robert dude." Sam stating the obvious that had already been pointed out "Nah, what the fuck!" Corey was freaking out as were the rest of us.

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