Chapter 17

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Before she could respond the teacher came back and not long after that, the class ended and I logged off after saying bye to Z. I just laid on the bed for a bit longer before Jake and Colby ran upstairs to get me out of bed. "Sis! Come on, get up!" I groaned and sat up looking at him. "What, do you want Jake?" "Did you tell Z that you and Colby were together?"

I raised a brow confused. "What the fuck are you talking about Jake, I wouldn't tell someone that if it wasn't true." "She texted me freaking out talking about if I was okay with my best friend dating my sister." "Okay well, I'm not dating anybody right know, and you should know that I'm not ready to be in a relationship after what happened with Nathan." "I know, I just thought I'd let you know that you should watch who you tell about certain things." "It wasn't her fault brother, I kissed her on the head before I came downstairs."

"Colby, you gotta be more careful about who you do that in front of you know that your fan girls are fucking insane dude." "Yea, you're right, I wasn't thinking it's just become a habit I guess." I rubbed my eyes still not fully awake. "If anything couldn't we just say it's a skit or something? Hell I don't fucking know, I've never had a fan base, because very few people knew about me till recently." "It's a good idea but I doubt they would believe it because of that post Molly made the other day."

Before we could continue our conversation we could hear yelling downstairs. "What the hell is going on now?!" I quickly got up and bolted past Colby and Jake  because the yelling sounded like Devyn. When I got to the stairs I saw something I never thought I'd witness. "COREY WHAT THE FUCK?!" I jumped from the top step to the floor and got in between him and Devyn.

"V, get out of the fucking way this is between me and Devyn." My eyes started to twitch and I shoved him backwards yelling at him. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! I FIGURED YOU WOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO FUCKING HIT A WOMAN!" Devyn came up behind me and lightly put her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it's okay really. It's not that big of a deal."

Corey just stood there wide eyed and speechless. "Dev, it's not okay, he fucking slapped you. I don't care what the hell happened, you didn't deserve that." Jake and Colby finally got downstairs and asked what was going on. "Your good buddy Corey here slapped Devyn pretty hard." Jake looked over at Corey who was mouthing something and he just nodded.

"She probably deserved it, we don't know what happened so we can't be taking sides." I just glared at Jake. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? What the fuck is wrong with you Jake!?" He shrugged. "I'm just saying-" before he could finish his sentence Colby cut him off. "It doesn't matter what she did brother, Corey shouldn't have hit her."

Devyn couldn't help herself and she burst out laughing and so did Corey. "What's so funny?" I looked around and that's when I saw the camera. "Wow guys, that's not funny, I almost beat the shit out of you Corey!" Devyn went and got the camera and brought it back over to me and hugged me. "Glad to know you got my back." She smiled.

"Always, us girls gotta stick together am I right?" I smiled receiving a fist bump from Devyn. With that Corey did his outro and stopped recording looking at me. "Thanks for having Dev's back V." "Yea ofc, just don't pull a prank like this again, you almost died by the hands of me." I laughed out then looked to Jake.

"Were you in on it J?" "Not until I came down here and when you said that he hit Dev I looked at him and he was mouthing 'it's a prank' so I decided why not join in." I shook my head, I was hanging out with a bunch of idiots. Sometimes they would remind me of my three best friends from high school. I miss those girls, maybe I'll try to contact them whenever we get back from the Conjuring house. I'd known all of them for years now so it would be nice to catch up and possibly introduce them to the guys.

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