Chapter 20

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Eventually the guys all got their suitcases but I was still waiting for mine. After a while I still hadn't seen my suitcase. My phone started to ring so I answered it hearing a familiar voice. "Hello? Who is this?" "Vana?! It's me Z! What the hell are you doing in Rhode Island??" "I'm with the guys, we're here for a week but I can't say why. Wait, how did you know I was here??"

"Well, I accidentally grabbed the wrong suitcase when I got there and it turns out it was yours." A smile creeped onto my face as I was getting confused expressions from the guys. "Wait so are you on your way back to the airport now then??" She hung up before responding and I heard a scream from a few feet behind me. "VANA!!!!" I looked over and saw her running at me. "ZEEE!!!!!" We had never met in person, we were just online besties.

I started running towards her as well and I jumped into her arms hugging her. "Oh my god it's so good to finally meet you in person!!" She squealed spinning us in circles. She then set me down and looked over at the guys and I swear her jaw dropped to the floor. "Vana, you wanna introduce me to these four handsome guys?" I laughed at her attempt at trying to seem like she didn't already know who they were.

"Guys! C'mere and meet my online bestie Z!" The four guys walked over and smiled at her. "Okay, this is my brother Jake Webber." Jake smiled and waved, "nice to actually meet the girl my sister tells me about." I rolled my eyes at him. "Then we have Colby Brock here, you got to say hi to him on our class this morning."

Colby just smiled with that perfect smile of his. "Next up we have Colby's best friend Sam Golbach." Sam smiled and waved just as Jake had done. "Then last but not least we have Corey Scherer." Corey also waved and smiled. "And guys, as you may have figured out this is my online bestie, Alexandrea. Find your own nickname for her, but I call her Z."

She smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen come from her. "Okay, soo I know I just had V intro Duce me to you guys but she didn't have to because I've been watching your videos for about a year now. I'm a big fan and getting to meet you guys in person is awesome. Vana, you're so lucky that you get to live with these guys, and to have Jake as a brother." I sighed knowing that just gave Jake an ego boost. "Z, I love you but do not boost Jake's ego more than what it already has been."

She just laughed in response then asked if we could all take some pictures together. Everyone agreed so Z had her mom take the pictures. In the first picture the guys all stood behind us, me and Z made a hand heart together. Then little did she know that I knew Jake and Sam were her favorites so I had them stand next to her and kiss her on her cheeks for the second picture causing her to blush. She then took one with just the guys and one with just me. She gave me my suitcase and went to go get hers.

When she came back over she gave me another hug as a bye and as she walked away she yelled back to me. "Vana! If you and Colby fuck, USE PROTECTION! I'm not trying to be an aunt right now!" With that she was gone and my face was redder than a tomato. "Yea.. and I'm not trying to be an uncle yet." Of course Jake had to butt in to the conversation.

I was still covering my face when I heard Colby chuckling to himself. "Don't worry brother, I don't think you'll be an uncle anytime soon." "Yea J, it's doubtful, especially since I don't think I can have kids." I said muffled by my hands in my face. "I'd have already had a kid by now if I could because that dick bag didn't know how to, one keep it in his pants and two he didn't know what protection was." Colby just looked at me and rubbed my back.

"He just wasn't the right person V, when your with the right person, when it's the right time you'll have a kid." I gave a slight smile to Jake's attempt to cheer me up, he was good at that. "Thanks J. Now, to change topic, who's ready to go to the house?" Everyone cheered except for Corey who was already wanting to go home, causing everyone to laugh. "Corey you're such a scaredy cat." "Shut up Jake."

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