Chapter 26 Colbys POV

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As soon as we heard Sam yelling at Corey to call 911 V passed out. If not for me she would have hit the floor, but thankfully I caught her. "Sam! What's going on down there?!" "It's not good Colbs! Jake's not breathing!" Fuck that's not good.. before getting too lost in my thoughts an ambulance pulled up and I carried V outside.

The paramedics took Jake snd V while Me, Corey, and Sam followed them to the hospital in the car. On the way up there Nessa's phone started ringing, it was a call from her highschool friends. "Colby? Where's V and why did you answer the phone? I'm not complaining or anything I'm just curious since she never lets anyone on her phone." It was just Jazzy, the others must've gone home or something.

"Uh.. V is currently unavailable.." I guess she heard the worry in my voice because she immediately started to freak out. "Oh my God, what happened? Is she okay? Please tell me she's fucking okay.." I did my best to calm her down, not sure if it worked or not. "She should be okay.. I hope at least.." I explained what happened and saw the horror on her face.

"Oh my fucking God.. please keep me updated on what's going on.. I can keep the others updated as well.." I simply nodded in response before we said our goodbyes and she hung up. That was perfect timing since we had just pulled into the hospital parking lot. I was already out of the car before it was in park and I dashed up to the ambulance following them inside as far as they would let me. This has to be the most stressful trip we've ever taken.

After I was told I couldn't go any farther I stayed in that spot until I was able to go see either one of them. Sam and Corey joined me after a few minutes, and tried to talk me into going to the waiting room with them. "Look guys I'm fine, alright.. I need to be close in case either of them need me." They both simply nodded and stayed by my side until the moment we saw a doctor walking over to us. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't read his expressions before he got to us.

"I assume you three are here for the Webber siblings, Jake and Vanessa?" I nodded, "Yes, please tell me they're okay.." The doctor sighed and shook his head and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "Vanessa still has yet to wake up and it's the same for Jake. We are unsure if Jake will ever wake up, and for Vanessa we think it'll be just a few weeks before she wakes up."

"Can we go see them?" "Yes, you may go see them. Jake is in room 66 and Vanessa is right next door in 67. Just press the call button if you guys need anything." With that the guys and I went to V's room first. I sat right next to her and took her hand just hoping she would wake up. "V, please you have to wake up, they say they expect you to wake up in just a few weeks but that's too long, you have to wake up now, we all need you especially Jake right now.."

She didn't wake up, which I should have expected but part of me felt like she was going to. "Colbs, we're gonna go see Jake, you comin?" "Yea, I'll be right there Sammy just give me a few minutes." After Sam and Corey left the room I sat with V for another five minutes just telling her to wake up. It was stupid to think that would have worked. Before leaving her room I placed a soft and gentle kiss on her cheek. "I love you Nessa."

With that I walked out and went to Jake's room joining the others. "How the hell did this happen.. we've never had a trip go like this.. it's never been this bad.." Sam sighed and I could tell he was upset, I mean who wouldn't be after something like this? I was watching the heart monitor that Jake was hooked up to and I saw that his Bp was dropping slowly. "Corey hit the call button!"

As soon as Corey pressed the call button the monitor started beeping frantically. "What's going on?! Jake!" The doctors rushed in and they had someone escort us back to the waiting room. "I'm one of the doctors on Jake's case, we are going to do everything we can to save him. For now we need you guys to stay out here okay?" We all nodded in agreement as the doctor walked away. About 30 minutes later the doctor came back to update us.

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