Chapter 15

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Colby just shrugged them off as I went upstairs back to his room laying in the bed and began to read a book on my phone. I set my phone down and plugged it in and laid down so I could get some sleep. As soon as I was about to fall asleep I heard a knock on the door and I sleepily told whoever it was to come in. I heard the door open and close along with footsteps coming over to the bed. I opened my eyes enough to see Colby lying down next to me and I simply smiled at him. He leaned over and gently kissed my forehead.

Without saying anything he pulled me closer and I cuddled up to him. Soon after that I passed out in his arms. All too soon Jake, Corey, and Sam burst in through the door yelling. "WAKEY WAKEY SLEEPY HEADS!" "Fuck off J." I said in a gravely voice.

Colby just groaned putting his face in the crook of my neck. "PIZZA'S HERE WAKE UP BROTHERS!" "Corey did you seriously just call me a brother?" I wasn't anywhere near being awake enough to comprehend what had happened. I could hear Sam laughing at my response. "Yes, V, he called you brother."

It took me a few more minutes to comprehend what was going on. When the realization hit I sat up with wide eyes causing Colby's face to hit the pillows causing him to groan yet again. "Wait, you only call your close friends brother.." Corey laughed so hard at me that he was wheezing. "Yes V, though we all only met you two days ago, we would consider you a close friend now." I couldn't help but smile knowing that I was now considered a close friend to the people I used to look up to when I was still in high school.

"Welcome to the friend group V." Colby muttered into the pillows. I got up and hugged Corey and Sam thanking them for allowing me to be in the friend group. "This isn't just because I'm Jake's sister is it?" They all laughed at me again. "They didn't even accept me into the friend group for like two weeks. It took them two days to start calling you brother."

"Well, that's because you're a loser J, I'm just better than you I guess." "In more ways than just one, like you can actually drive, and you got Colby to warm up to you within the first day you met him. That takes skill V." Sam said looking between Colby and me with a smile on his face.  "Now come on, let's go downstairs and eat this pizza before Aaron and Elton eat it all." Corey said laughing.

I looked over at Colby who was still lying there not getting up. "Colbyyy, get uppp." I walked over to him and shook him a little. "No, the bed is comfortable." "Cole Robert Brock, get your ass up and come downstairs with us." He rolled onto his side and looked at me then looked at Jake.

"Nicole." That's all Jake said before running down the stairs. "Vanessa Nicole Webber, how dare you use my full name like that." I knew he was joking and I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, okay, don't call me Vanessa- just get up." He slowly sat up groaning because two hours was not enough time to sleep. Colby got up and grabbed my hand pulling me down stairs with him.

When we got to the kitchen there were two pizza boxes and half of one was already gone just between Aaron and Elton. "Damn, seems like you two were hungrier than what you thought." "Shut up Corey, you could eat a whole pizza by yourself." I rolled my eyes at them. "Children, you're both growing boys so of course you're going to be hungry." Elton laughed at my response.

"Now she's starting to sound like our mom." I just looked at Elton who said that. "I'm not your mom, if I was I would be very disappointed." The other guys just laughed. "Damn bro, she still doesn't like you." Truth is, I was starting to be okay with him, I still don't like him as Jake pointed out but I didn't just absolutely hate him anymore.

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