Chapter 1

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"V come on! Wake up!" I woke up to my older brother yelling for me. I looked at the clock, 6:30 A.M. I knew we had to be there at 8 A.M but all I needed was an hour to get ready. "Nes! Get up, you're gonna be late!" He was so annoying but he was a good brother. "I'll be down in a minute J!"

I got up and pulled out some clothes for the day. I caught a glance of myself in the mirror, god I look like a mess. I went to my bathroom and took a nice hot shower. The water felt good, it calmed my nerves, of course I was nervous it's not everyday you get to meet your life long favorite YouTuber. I was 15 when I came across his YouTube channel. I think he was 16 or 17 when he first started.

I had known him originally from Vine. Before I got too lost in my thoughts my brother yelled for me again. "Vanessa Nicole Webber! Get your ass down here it's almost 7!" God he's so annoying. "I'm almost done Jake! And for the love of God don't call my full name!" He knows I hate it when he does that, I swear I think that's why he does it. I wrapped a towel around my body and one around my dyed blue hair and started putting my makeup on. When I finished I got dressed and blow dried my hair and curled it.

When I walked to the kitchen Jake looked at me while making breakfast. "Took ya long enough, damn V. We're just going over to Colby and Sam's place." "You forgot to mention Elton, Aaron, and Corey. Do you know if Devyn's gonna be there too?" He looked surprised when I mentioned the others. "Ya know, I forget that you've been watching their videos since you were 15." He chuckled to himself.

"I'm not sure if she will be though, she has to work today. Oh but be nice to Sam, Kats gonna be there to get the rest of her stuff." Poor Sam, I know their break up was mutual but you could tell he still loved her by the way he looked at her. "Oh and another thing, Colby brought a girl home last night, Sam and the others let me know that so try to be nice to her as well." He makes me sound like a bitch. "Oh, I wasn't planning on being mean to anyone except for you." I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

Yes him and Reggie are older than me but I like to tease them a bit. "Okay whatever dork. Come on, let's go." We walked out to Jake's car and got in. The ride over to Colby's was short yet peaceful. The whole ride there we were listening to mine and Jake's playlist. He had songs he liked and I had songs I liked, then there were songs we both liked. Jake pulled up to the gate of the trap house waiting for it to open.

I guess I started shaking and breathing a little heavy because Jake looked at me after he pulled in and parked. "Hey, you good V?" "Yea I'm fine, just nervous is all." He kinda laughed at me. "It's not funny asshole-" I couldn't help but slightly chuckle myself. We got out and we were instantly greeted by Corey with a camera in one hand and Buddy in the other. If you didn't know, Buddy is Aaron's puppy. "Hey Jake! What's up brother!" "Not a lot brother, just thought I'd finally bring my sister over and let her meet everyone." I just simply smiled.

Before we could actually introduce ourselves we could hear Aaron yelling for Buddy. "Shit, hey Jake can you help a brother out? I'm pranking Aaron, can buddy chill in your trunk for a few?" Jake just shook his head. "Yea sure brother, as long as he doesn't shit in my car." And with that he quickly popped the trunk open and Corey put Buddy in and closed the trunk carefully. As soon as he did, Aaron came outside and looked at us. He was clearly freaking out. "Corey.. have you seen Buddy? I can't find him anywhere.." and of course the gate hadn't shut yet and Corey knew this.

"No, I haven't seen him. I came out here and saw that the gate was open though so maybe he got out?" Aaron started to freak out even more and he was on the verge of tears. "Hey, Aaron. I'm sure Buddys okay, on the way up here we didn't see him. So he's gotta be around the house somewhere right?" He looked at me with a confused look. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I chuckled. "I'm Vanessa, but please call me either V or Nes." He just nodded and asked me, "and how do you know what Buddy looks like? And how did you get through the gate?" I just simply chuckled.

"I'm a big fan, I've been watching Colby's videos since I was 15. I'm Jake's little sister." Before he could say anything else Buddy started barking and Aaron just looked at Jake. "Open the trunk." Jake kinda laughed and popped the trunk and Aaron instantly picked Buddy up. "I hope he shit in your car." He looked at me. "It's nice to finally meet the little sister Jake always talks about. Everyone else is in the house, come on in." We all walked in after Corey did his outro.

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