Chapter 19

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"Seems like we're gonna have to, I can fit everyone's luggage plus one person." "I call dibs on riding with V!" Both Colby and Jake shouted at the same time. I pointed at Colby as if to say that I picked him to ride with me. "Okay so Jake and Corey are with me." With that all the guys loaded their stuff into my car and Colby got in the passenger seat.

Sam, Corey, and Jake all got into Sam's car and I got into mine following Sam to the airport. We had to speed a little to get there but the whole ride there Colby had the aux and was playing  songs from his playlist. The first song to come on was Dear Maria, Count Me In. "I got your picture, I'm coming with you, dear Maria, count me in!" We both belted out and continued to sing the rest of the song. At the end we were laughing, we had so much in common it was crazy.

We soon pulled into the airport parking garage and parked right next to each other. Everyone got out and grabbed their suitcases out of my car. We walked inside and made it through security a lady came of the speakers calling for our flight to board before we were ready. "Shit! Excuse me, can you hold that plane please, we have to be somewhere for our job." I could tell that Sam was stressing out, thankfully the lady he was asking was nice and seemed to be a fan of the guys. "Yea, of course I can, did Colby not want to wake up this morning?"

She said that with a chuckle and winked at Colby. For some reason that pissed me off and I went over to him leaning my head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head. I smirked at the lady at the desk with the most 'eat shit' smirk ever. I heard her scoff as she rolled her eyes and pinged the pilot telling them that there were five people who were late. "You guys better hurry, can't wait to see the videos of this trip."

We walked away from the lady and boarded our plane. Jake got seated next to Corey, and Sam, Colby and I got seated next to each other. I'd never flown anywhere before so I was pretty nervous. I felt the plane start to move after I put my seat belt on and I quickly grabbed Colby's hand tightly squeezing my eyes closed. He held my hand and started talking to me trying to distract me. I felt the plane lift off the ground holding his hand tighter feeling tears forming in my eyes.

"V, it's okay I'm right here, Sam's here too. Try not to think about it just focus on my voice. I know it's scary flying for the first time but I promise it's gonna be okay." He leaned over to Sam asking for a piece of gum handing it to me. "It's for your ears popping the higher we get, I promise that it gets better when the plane levels out. Taking off is always the worst part, then it's smooth sailing for the next five hours, the landing is a little bumpy but it's almost like a roller coaster kind of bumpy."

By the time Colby had finished talking to me the plane had leveled out and he was right, it was a smooth ride when we were level and not tilted upward. I felt a sudden chill realizing the ac was on in the plane and it caused me to shiver and my teeth started to chatter a bit. I laid my head on Colby's shoulder and he noticed I was cold so he took his hoodie off and let me wear it. I slipped it on over my head making sure I wouldn't mess my curls up and slipped my arms through. The hoodie swallowed me alive but it was comfortable and warm. I laid my head back on his shoulder and without realizing it I guess I had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

I woke up about 2 hours into the flight but I was still tired. I looked down to see Colby looking at a picture he took of us while I was passed out, he was typing something out but I could tell what he had said. All I got to see what that he sent it to Jake, so it couldn't have been anything too bad but Jake would probably be over here soon enough to come wake me up. I shifted in my seat a little making sure my face wouldn't be visible to Jake if he would decide to come over here. Colby looked down at me when I shifted and quietly whispered to me asking if I was okay. I sleepily nodded to let him know I was okay.

"Just a little tired is all." I pulled the hood of the hoodie up and continued leaning on Colby. Truth is, the more and more I talk to him and hangout with him and the guys the more I seem to fall for him. Maybe we could go on a date when we get back to Cali. That would be nice, just getting to hangout with him one on one. Sure we would get approached by some fans but that's to be expected as a famous person.

3 hours later the plane started to land and I quickly realized that Colby was right, it was bumpy but not a bad kind of bumpy. I was kinda fun and I started laughing out of nowhere. My laughing caused quite a few people to stare at me which I hate. The people staring made me instantly self conscious and I immediately stopped and tried to hide my face. When the plane came to a fully complete stop we were allowed to get off. Once we were all off, we went to the baggage claim and waited for our suitcases to appear on the carousel.

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