Chapter 14

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We went back inside, and by that time Sam had already told Jake what was wrong with my car. "V I'm really sorry about your car sis, I'll pay for it to get fixed I promise." I wasn't as mad anymore since I'd had time to cool off. "It's okay J, but damn right your fucking paying for it, that's not going to be a cheap fix though." I chuckled seeing the look on his face and saw his expression soften when I half ass laughed about it. "You wanna go ahead and take it to the mechanic or do you want to wait until tomorrow?"

"Well first I have to call and see if they have an opening for today and see how long it will take for them to fix it." He nodded and I went ahead and call the shop, which luckily they had an opening and said that my car would be done by tomorrow afternoon if I brought it in right that minute. "They have an opening, we need to take it up there like now though, and the lady also said it would be about $1k to have it repaired." Sam offered to follow us up there in his car so we would have a ride back and we left. I dropped my car off handing the lady my keys.

"We'll take good care of your car miss Webber, and I'll call you when you can swing by and pick it up tomorrow." I thanked her and walked out to Sam's car and got in the back seat with Colby. Jake started complaining about being hungry so we went to Taco Bell and ordered a 12 pack box of tacos. We waited to eat until we got back to the house though so we wouldn't make a mess in Sam's car. Just before we got back to the house Jake told Sam to drop him off at our house because Tara was saying she needed to talk to him ASAP.

When we got back to mine and Jake's house the two of us got out but for different reasons. Jake got out so he could comfort Tara and I got out so I could pack some clothes for the next couple nights, so I could see how I liked living in the house with the guys. When I came down stairs with my clothes I saw Jake almost in tears and Tara already in tears so I decided to listen in on the conversation a little bit. "Jake, you know I love you more than anything in this world, I just don't think we should be together anymore." I could hear the pain in her voice and I realized she was breaking up with him. "Wait what? You're leaving me?"

I've only ever heard Jake sound that broken once and that was when the accident happened. "I'm so so sorry Jake, I just can't do this anymore, not right now at least." "Tara, baby, come on I'm sure we can work something out.." I saw her shake her head in disagreement. Before she left I walked out and went over to them acting as if I hadn't just heard all of that conversation. "Hey Tara, what happened, are you okay?"

She just wiped her tears away and lied straight to my face saying that everything was okay. I looked over at Jake with a raised brow as if to ask him if everything was okay. "No, everything is not okay, Tara's leaving me." "Jake.. I never wanted to hurt you and I really hope you know that, it's just not a good time for me to be in a relationship at this point in time and I hope you understand." Without saying another word Tara left looking destroyed. "I'm sorry Jake, do you want me to stay here with you tonight?"

He shook his head telling me to go have fun at the trap house and that he would see me tomorrow. I nodded shortly and gave him the best hug I possibly could and felt his arms wrap around me. After a minute he let go of the hug keeping his hands on my shoulders. "I love you sis, don't do stupid shit, and don't put yourself in a situation that makes you uncomfortable." I simply nodded and went back outside getting in the back with Colby again. "So what happened with Tara? She looked pretty devastated when she came back out here."

I sighed and explained to them that Tara just broke up with Jake. "I asked him if he wanted me to stay here with him tonight but he told me no and that I should just have fun with you guys. He also said that he'd see us tomorrow so I think it just be best to let him have the rest of the day to himself. We can hangout with him tomorrow and go do something as a group. Hell even Corey, Devyn, Aaron, and Elton can come with." The guys nodded in agreement and Sam drove us back to the house.

After all the events of today, I was ready to go to sleep or just take a nap since it was only 5 pm. I grabbed my clothes and went up to Colby's room locking the door behind me so I could get dressed. I folded the clothes I just took off and put on a pair of shorts that were comfortable to sleep in, and I also put on a black and white cropped XPLR  t-shirt. I went downstairs to let the guys know I was taking a nap and to wake me up at 7:30 pm. "Okay, sleep well V!" Corey yelled up to me.

"Sweet dreams Nes." Elton called out. "Don't let the nap bugs bite." Was Aaron's response. "Picked a good time to wake up, we're gonna have a pizza delivered here around that time." Sam called out. Sweet, pizza for dinner love it. "Make that two people you'll have to wake up." All the guys yelled 'NO' in response to Colby going to take a nap as well, due to the fact that he's hard to wake up.

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