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Dear God and Jesus,


Jeremiel came to me thismorning while I was telling GOD and Jesus about my Sanctuaies in my Prayers and told me that this is a country that is changing the Laws.. so I asked jeremiel of Justice, "Will the entire SOS still allow me to have Sanctuaries in different places in the world under the same laws?"


How much is this country wanting to change their entire democracy?"

And how much money will we need to build or prepare places to be used as our Sanctuaries? I think I heard the SOS said that they will be sewing for at least 100,00 million euros to 300-400,000 million euros ALL in ALL, and is that enough money to have Sanctuaries in different places throught the world. Even if it is just residencies that are in secret locations and i think they must be secret because we need to protect persons from abusive others and targetted victims.

I think some people need to be hired by the courts in the countries where these Sanctuaries and lots of resendences are, unless they are simply to have their own officed near the resedencies?? But we need certain people to work on the case and we need SOS help workers perhaps in the resendencies also, and lawyers can offer to work on the cases wherever they live. Could this work, do you think? I would love to have homes in secret places as Ian Josephs did as well as larger entire Sanctuaries...


Tell Theodore that an eternity agreement is a legal document that we are going to create in the Sanctuaries - it is second to a marriage document but there is no sexual relation, for it is whereby people can live together, share and adopt children and you can have an eternity partnership ring for your soulmates as well as true loves, and the important thing is that your partner gets to decide on the conditions set, now, i refuse to agree to any eternity agreement if theodore ever wanted one with another girl unless she was about 50 years older than him and a cousin or something... but i hope he will accept for Lucifer especially who has loved me since the beginning of time... and lucifer needs to ask Michael if he will accept him adopting our babies when Jesus returns.. i've said yes but i need an eternity ring for him for the agreement and i will sign the document - hahaha Lucifer passes it to me now, and i want Lucifer to live in our home with us so that I can be around my daughter Angel who i am giving over to him, always. got to go to dinner. brb. hahahahahaha jeremiel and haniel give me documents and rings!! I have three rings on and they say "one each??" and i laugh, amused, and GOD laughs out load, and i ask micheal, "would you like my cross and rose necklace as yours? :P" theodore, i need to be saved - got to go - to get you a ring and marry you!! speak soon . xxxxx

Also, in an eternity agreement one can share bank accounts and possessions and belongings, and they don't have to be with the opposite sex but can be with the same sex too. which leads me onto...

Same gender marriage will be legal in the Sanctuaries as will same gender couples adoption. Gay and lesbians are officially allowed to marry, adopt, be together and have exactly the same equal rights as single pepole or couples.

It is important to mention that you can only Marry one person, and you must always stay true, loyal and trustworthy to them, but there are some friends who are so close that they are like family to us... and this is what makes them so. They can then share the same rights as your family and IF anything ever were to happen to your children, they could be offered as options for care while it is sorted. Like a Guardian... like adopting them into your family. Beautiful idea.

i will say that young adults can be married at the age of 16, as well as smoke and drink. They can also then choose to move out and live alone IF they so wish, and benefits will be availiable to them, and they can search for work experience and being hired AT ANY AGE!!! So if they wish to homeschool and do work experience in a bar for a bit of spare money when they are 13 years old, this is welcome and allowed!! This will build their own maturits and self-reponsabilty and confidence and help them a lot later on in life. They can start work experience even if they don't have the qualification as of yet to speak of. No problem. This is thier own choice, decision and fullfilling all thier dreams and wishes.

More... swimming lessons!! and self defense lessons!! and first aid classes!! will be free. These are because they are essential for everyone to learn. !!! No children should pay to learn how to save thier lives when in the sea.... this is obserd, definately, and who should pay to know what to do if somebody comes at you threatning to beat you black and blue?? obserdity that we should pay for such a thing to be aware of... and absolutely first aid must be free, and children offered too, for they must learn even how to perfecm CPR on babies and toddlers also!!!

brb smokes.

back. contraception is free, given by the health centers/hospitals and gyneachologists...and doctors can prescribe it too.

and ABOrtion is illegal - this causes unbornn babies severe pain and theyy cry and scream.... and never stop crying in Heaven and keep trying to come back to their mummy to be born again. God forbids. Girls must know that no baby is ever born out of rape, but GOD gives them their true loves baby every single time without fail. This is a commands from GOD. No baby has EVER in existance been born from rape. This is Gods will. this is a miricle. Adoption homes will be in the Sanctuary for anybody even 16 year olds or 60 year olds, gay and lesbian couples, people who cannot have children, single fathers or mothers, anyone wishing to adopt, from newborn babies to children of the age of 18. Children up to 18 can apply to go to the adoption homes and oost thier own profile on our Sanctuary website for potential perants to view and make a choice on each other after they actually meet each other and the parents searching to adopt have thier own page and profile with as much information on it as humanly possible, an entire rant is what we want, that and a criminal record check hahaha. They will be welcome to have witness statements from others, anyone they wish to tell you about them and give fursther information, and they must be completely honest, and they include everything they consider thier flaws and downfalls and say exactly how they can be happy and suceed in themselves, be this medicine, therapy, parenting books or they simply need a baby in thier life..... and they need a child... or they wont ever feel happy... they say this exactly. They are all to wear thier hearts on their sleeves and put themselves on the line for this relationship. IF they have ever been in trouble with the police, they are to have no fear and tell them exactly what happened. They will put up if they have children already or whether this is thier first baby as well as more factual things such as tripple P qualifications or childcare and parenting qualification, work in creches or babysitting, or even if they grew up in a large family and cared for thier younger brothers and siblings... sperm donation is legal and oh whats it called now... women having babies and carrying them through pregnancy and then giving them to thier real biological mothers once born is LEGAL. This is well paid (thousand, the parents and the carryier decide on the amount paid together - this is a very personal blessing and is not to be put down on a document but signed with the heart.) for it is a blessing and it is not an easy job. WHY do I pray tell me is this EVER illagal in some countries??? That's obscene, this is a beautiful and wonderful thing to do for somebody!!! Anyway...

Getting internet ticket. Will send. (they are eating still... what else can i think of... I know.)

There will be no modely on magazines anymore - this is killing young girls... in mind and body.. instead, the photos on the front of magazines will be of babies, children, pregnant mothers, elderly people holding hands, the best photography of anything and anywhere in the world ahnded in and accepted of GOD in space or of the most stunning cloads with photos taken of angels and heaven clearly in the cloads, or sunsets, of families and of anything this beautiful really, but no longer will magazines show skinny tall superficial ten hour makeover 10 hour hairdo obsurd outfits of people who don't look human and have been photo shopped past that too!!! This is not what we will consider beautiful anymore - for in our Sanctuaries, society and the social media is going to chnage immensely and there will be no impossible unrealistic standards for girls to live up to and no brainwashing of boys as to what is pretty and no child will be taught that only their looks matter anymore!

This I insist on. This simple image............. is making 14 year olds take their own lives. It's about time someone did something about it!! The advers will NOT be of supermodels on the channels avaliable in the Sanctuary either... they will be taken out.

(And all persuasion and suggestion taken out too. Instead, programms about this persuasion and suggestion being used in advertising is recomended haha. Good idea?)

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