Parenting In Our Sanctuary: MISOPHONIA: NOT a behavioral problem!

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Relating to bad behavior... On the subject of CONDITIONS IN CHILDREN, and mental health arguments:


(Parents must be aware of this rare condition as not to punish or take offense. children too much be educated to know exactly what is wrong and that what they are experiencing is NORMAL.)


First. I need to smokes.

Right. Am here. So, i'm planning on writing a chapter on conditions of the mind that children may have... and my argument is that children genuinely DO NOT suffer from mental illness. This is something that develops a lot leter on in life, if youngers in older tenneragers past the adult age (in some countries) or 16 - 18, otherwise adults develop mental health disorders, but GOD has created children to live as happily as they can, and so they cannot develop mental health problems, given the true causes of such problems of the mind being triggered.... (I'll explain that another time.)

I've written in another e-mail that psychiatrists are NOT to search for mental illness in children, and explained the perfect reality of children... However, I did say they are to search for some conditions of the mind, which include neaurological disorders and learning difficulties, i will also be arguing that shellshock, traumatic shock, traumatic stress disorder, and (CC)PTSD, Depression and Anxiety are, in face, in my greatest TRUTH, NOT AT ALL - NEVER - mental illnesses and NEED to stop being falsely believed and treated as such. They are ALL conditions of the mind which simply means this is the way your brain functions, and this is the way everybodys brain is capable of functioning, and some don't function in this way, this is how your mind is hardwired to think and function and be, there is no cure but there are treatements as children and adults can and do suffer from certain conditions.

(Hint on my arguemnt: everybodys brain functions exactly the same and everybodys mind is completely and utterly hardwired to feel anxiety and depression... happens to all of us, once or more than once in life, children, babies, teenagers, adults and elderly alike, to different degrees, but this is simply how the breain works... there isn't one of us who doesn't feel depressed or anxious at some point in our lives. That's normal, so don't tell somebody they are "menatlly ill" because they are an anxious person sometimes or because they feel down and depressed when two weeks later you yourself suffer a panic attack or a phobic reaction followed by the passing thought of suicide and death when feeling dark and down.... Ah, oh, and i'll also talk about suicide in teenagers in this book.
(NOW you all realise!)

Now then, i only have a short amount of time to tell you all this. There IS a condition that causes rage and fury and the fight or flight reaction, often it is the rage and fury that comes first, and then the flight. (Of course, one is triggered, reacts and then has to escape.) ...This condition has NO freeze option. If your son or daughter has yelled at you to "SHUT UP!!" or demanded you not to chew gum, saying they can't stand the sound, or been overly irritated at the meal table telling you that you are all "Disgusting!" and insisting they leave.... or will not be in the same room as somebody who snores... You have to know why. For, in truth, they suffer from the TORTUROUS condition of the mind called Misophonia.

Misophonia means "the hatred of certain sounds" namingly, sounds that people make, with little but some exeption. These people are triggered to irritating, rage and fury, and then walk away slamming the door after swearing and shouting, at examples: Biting nails, lipsmasking, coughing, snorting, breathing loadly or snoring, chewing, gulping, moving siliva around in your mouth and making noises with your mouth and siliva, whispering, humming, sensive to shouting, and there are also phsyical triggers such as playing with fingers, pointing, watching fingers move, repeative sounds and repetative actions, even some peoples very body language these people cannot stand, typing, ticking, mantras, tapping, tapping feet, tapping fingers, all these noises and more and more and more can trigger Misohonia.

Misponia can be triggered as a child or as a teenager. It is a lifelong condition with NO KNOWN CURE, barely any research has been done, and in short, when somebody tells you to stop chewing ching gum or to leave the table because of the sounds of everyone eating.... Listen, Accept and Allow.

Some medicines have been known to HELP some people to cope with this condition to an extent such as (methyl)amphetamine, hypnotics and beta-blockers, and some benzodiazapines such as xanax and laystanxia or clozan. But nothing takes the anger reaction away completely, and people will suffer rage and feel the need to escape the sound immediately, this is a fight or flight reaction, for it cannot be helped, it is completely automatic and the people have no control over it initially, to deal with this stop the sound or action at once and take them away from it. Completely IGNORE your teenagers shouting at you to shut up or swearing at you. Understand. What they are experiencing is real and normal. They are not wrong, and they may be the most peaceful, calmest and quiet of people, but you've never known what thrown them off so often... Don't take offense. Once the noise has gone... bring them back and you will find, in all honestly, that all anger has COMPLETELY vanished and they are calm and those children you are in love with once again.

It is NOT harmful, dangerous, nor does it mean that your son is aggressive or abusive, as you all will say so yourself knowing your sons and can confirm they are absoutely LOVELY people!!!!!!!! LOVELY, PERFECT; BEAUTIFUL!!! (NO condition, btw, means somebody is a dangerous, agressive or abusive people... it is mentall illnesses borderlining criminal insanity that is dangerous!

Now you know. Misophonia. Be educated.
ps. I am of the firm belief that as so few people realise this condition exists, they do not know what is wrong with them and do not report it. It is not known to more than a small % of the earths popultion (about 13%, i think.) it is conidered ones of the rarest of conditions, but i do believe A LOT more people suffer from this than we believe.... Perhaps it is common.
anyway, let the hopsitlas know i'll be their ginua-pig. 

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