LAW - New laws, legislation and rules for medical proffessionals.

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Dear entire SOS, especially medical professionals,

i beg that these laws are accepted by the high courts and governments of the countries that our Sanctuaries are and homes belonging to the sanctuaries... that they all fall under these same new laws.

This letter is especially for doctors and hospitals to be aware of. Please do read and accept. This is the way forward.

"The doctors are going to be under new laws where NO MEDICINES will be followed by the police, And allowance to prescribe certain amounts of a drug for those who would find it Impossible to go absolutely cold turkey from one second to the next of any drug onto Methadone alone (and there will be other medicines as well as methadone which can be prescribed if methadone doesn't work well for one person but another medicine would.) would be far too difficult to do. Instead of the problem where people simply have no choice but to keep using the drugs, there will now be an option whereby doctors can prescribe an amount of a drug - under supervision either in a clinic for a period of time OR the doctor can actually visit the home of the pateint or the pateient go into the doctors clinic each day to take the substance, and the doctors will be using the medicine at the same time, and they will safely and slowly and in a way that the patient finds they can cope with and work with, lower the dose until they can be reliant on the medications instead, and then step by step they can be taken down from the medications also.

(Therapies can be offered at the same time if the patient would appreciate this help. This is not nessessary, though. This is a choice... some people... are introverts while others find talking helps, you understand.)

Within the laws of the Sanctuaries, every kind and type of every medicine will be able to be prescribed, given, taken, which are avaliable from all over the world and imprted and ordered to the chemists which the pateíents use as I am, Indeed yes, expecting people coming to our homes and Sanctuaries from all OVER the world who may need to take a specific medicine which is not avaliable in that country they are being sent to!!

There will be the option to put 2 or 3 types of the same medicines but different ones along the same compounds on one prescription in the cases that actually all medcines work differently, have different effects and may be used for different purposes such as one simply for calming and anxiety and one for sleeping may differ or one for physical work and energy is different to the one for working in an office but the same origional compoundes and this is something that doctors will be aware of, and also this will come in very useful for if 1. a petient wishes to slowly cut down from one medication and start another but isn't ready to stop it entirely, or if a doctor and client aren't certain of one medicine working, assuming they are trailing something new and they are given a second option in the instance that one effects them badly or doesn't work for them at all, which is OFTEN the case,
For example: i can take Stilnoct but NOT zolpidem and I can take some hypnotics for PTSD and i would use them to stop PTSD attacks while others i would use for sleep at night but would find them too sedative to use during the day when they are both the same compound, and with (methyl)amphetamine i use one for reading, one for writting and studying, one for art and one for psysical (exaustion) when i CANNOT use one for all.... or forinstance if a pateint needs a strong or normal painkiller prescribed as well as a specialised one for nerve pain or migraines.

The doctors can specify the dosage and the time they are to take them at and inbetween and with which other medicines, etc, so that no mistake and misuse comes to happen. The pateients must know to keep to this for thier own protection and safety and inform their doctor immediately if any reaction or trouble occurs. The chemists are to write these instructions on the packets for the pateints.

i would say that medicines can be prescribed for up to 6-8 months because after 9 months of use most medicines stop taking effect on the person and their body gets too used to it, so they realise they have to try something else then anyway, and also we don't want to go beyond that so that no dependancy LONG TERM is created, as well as we don't want the medicines to go out of date and then very months the doctor can review the treatement and every 8 months ask if a change in medication is needed or not or whether it is still perfectly find to contiinue with the same one... There are some medicines that are meant to be taken for a shorter persiod of time, so i'd say 3-6 months and some that are intended for longer term use to i would say 6-8 months...

Doctors will be made aware of the Dangers of SSRI's and benzo's such as Valium, Xanax and Diazapam (where Clozan and Lysanxia are often the Safest options and the least addictive.) and they will no longer be oh so wary of a tablet that is known to be so safe a 3-4 year old child an an 80 year old can take it alike!!

The doses will be changed on the information given to these patient now meaning that a fully grown adult dose could be taken 2-3 times a day at the maximum dose (which i do believe is 6omg rilatine or 50mg stilnoct or 160mg dominal, this can be doubled for adult men seperated betwen intervals dusring 24 hours) while currently the adult dose and the childrens maximum dose is EXACTLY the same... and while this works for children... adults have been found for this childs dose not to be enough and there is no difrentiation on the packging, so this needs to be reviewed and accpeted too...

I am of the opionion that children do not nessessarily have to be supervised to take thier own medcines as from the age 13 onwards - For this is officially a teenager. It may help them to have a daily box to order thier medicines and have them at a certain time and for each day if need be. Some medicines one needs help with applying or taking... but for most, i do believe they are well capable of taking themselves by 13-14 years old.

Lastly, IF the doctors have any concerns over the reaction a patient may have over a new medicne, i would strongl suggest an Allergy test being done with a blood test and urine test which the results can come through within 24 hours... IS this technology possible to do in our day, age and society? I am oassuming it is, i mean... i was tested for food allergies when i was a child... turns out i had none... i was never tested for medicine allergies or intollerances and found out i could only take about 7 or 8 without landing myself in hospital on anti-allergy tablets having strokes and siezures... Hrm.. would have come in useful to know.. so to be on the same side, hooooow relitively possible is this for the medical proffesionals with subsiquentyl sensive patients?

Thank you for listening,

angel Mary Clement.

i hope this helped. ps. medicine pro. I know what doesn't kill me! hhahaha. No, but seriously, I do believe these are the wishes of pateints all over the world... :) ;)


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