Priests,Vicors,Holy Children of GOD and Religion lesson - Sanctuaries

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Dear entire sos,

This lesson idea comes from all Holy Angels, GOD ALLAH, Jesus and myself. While religion is taught in school, it is very limited and this is going to be an excellent, excellent lesson - all the things that everyone will learn about...! It's about time everybody starting from children at a very young age, well, I HOPE that their parents have caught them up in a Faithful and Holy family anyway, but if not, children starting from very young to elderly persons alike, i'm certain would be happy and exited about some of the things I INSIST everybody is taught here.... and i only wish this had been taught to me in school, but sadly, i had to find it all out by myself....... and i think children should know these things. Definitely. Absolutely.

Now, the religion lessons will be insisted on in the most polite and kind way, like pleasing and begging, and they will be advise and deeply encouraged. (by the sos help workers, and by the priests alone, more, I HOPE. I've asked for priests and vicors to visit families and their children when they come to the sanctuary, i think that will be lovely.) Just know, they will Never be forced to be taugh these things, but their Guardian Angels will cry...

I'm also suggesting strongly that these different topics are all covered in church services and sunday school!! Accepted, i'm certain! :) :D ;)


Topics covered here are as follows:

1. This will be an hounour. They will be taught in the Truth of the One and Only TRUE GOD Allah the Almighty and His holy son jesus Christ. They will give information on all different religions and beliefs, and everybody will be taught to be open minded and accept all faiths. Know this GOD IS and This is the Truth.

2. Everybody in the Sanctuary will be taught God's 10 Commands.

3. Everybody in the Sanctuary will be taught The Lord's Prayer.
Included, teaching people how to pray and that there is no wrong way to pray, as little as a word "help", "sos", "GOD,","please", or praying perfusely for hours on end are still Prayers and GOD listens and answers them. Hymns and reading the holy bible and being within a church service is also worshipping GOD and can be a prayer. You can talk or think to GOD and Jesus, you can write Prayers on paper and keep a Prayer book, you can bow down on your knees by the side of your bed to pray, you must always pray before meals, and if you put your hands together to pray fingers clasped toegther means holding hands with GOD and Jesus and fingers outstraight and together meanas that you are worshiping GOD and Jesus. Sacred Angel Amen can take your prayer to GOD as can Angels of Prayer, with quotes about this from Lorna Byrnes books, Archangel Sandlephon can also take prayers to GOD, Jesus and your Guardian Angel and all Angels surrounding you and any you ask will pray with you. And knowing that GOD always answers prayers, can be immediately when some people realising a difference as soon as they've said "amen" they get a phone call with good news or find a missing item right infront of them, other miricles, can be years later but GOD will be answering your prayer in different ways all along, you simply haven't realised these subtle changes... and if somebody goes to heaven, tell them why GOD might have taken them, and if not answered, know GOD is good and has a better plan for you, GOD is perfect and will make you any your life perfect as long as you remain faithful and keep praying, and GOD wants us to find out things in a way that is HIS will, lastly you can ask GOD to command certain things in your prayers.

3. Reading and studying The Holy Bible.
- A Children's Bible for younger audiences, a Good News Version or a Youth Edition Good News Bible for teenagers and adults.
Families will also be provivded with more Holy Books which thex can collect from the churches for free, with the option of making donations in the churches, such as The Book of Mormon, the Quaran, The Torah, Loa Tao Tzu, Vedar, and more Spiritual Books which will be sold at 2.50 euch. (money is put to good use by the church, to help more children in need, to build meeting halls for worship, donations to cherities, helping animals and homeless people, and training and teaching people to preach the lord of GOD. more. etc.)
Includes - Studying The Book Of revelations.

i suggest families have the holy bible on recording to listen to in the car, in the background of work or as they fall asleep, or simply in free time.

4. Learn about gifts from GOD. Recognise your hidden tallets, strengths, and knowledge that psyhcic abilities are gifts from GOD. (this links to another lesson idea from Cassiel.) how to always do GODS WILL and use your abilities or tallents and curiousity about magic to good and innocent intent, healing, building relationships, basic spells on prayers and knowing that Angels always intercede (know to use white magic only. GOD forbids black magic!)

5. Learning about the "Afterlfe" all about The Kingdom of GOD, also about Hell and that Hell is very real, learning about ghosts and all the evil ones in the spirit world, learning about near death experiences, angelic encounters, our of body experiences, communication with loved ones in Heaven, learn exactly what happens when a person is taken by GOD to Heaven and that there is no such thing as death, eradicated the belief that death exists and tell the truth adn comort people, tell them that thier families are around them and with them at all times........................

6. Everybody is going to be made aware of the 3 Truths - options of human free will, and be asked to please always try to do GODS will and follow GODS commands in the Sanctuary. People can help to think up more solutions to human free will - GODS dilemmha.

7. Last. Angels - All angels, all types, all names, all about your guardian angels, messeages, hunts, sensations, feelings, ideas, remembering things, realisations, all the things our Guardian Angels do to try to make us realise that they are there, including making you drop things and spill your food and drink and why... (face palm.) to talk to your guardian angel and think up a name for him or her and tell them about more angels who are around you all the time or often, the work for GOD by differnt types of angels, and about vivd angels and that we have all met one and that they could be an angel if this is their wish... simply ask GOD... who knows... they might very well be an Angel themselves!

Angel Mary Clement.

Thank you for listening. 

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