SOS Parenting: On The Subject of Alcohol

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Briefly, on the subject of alcahol:

No, but seriously, this on another subject... DO let youger teenagers try sips of different alcahol to try and test, and allow them simple single beers or other drinks they've found they like under supervision at home toegther with mealtimes and with water at the side too. Introduce alcahol to them absolutely and be open about alcaholic drinks, inform them of the pleasures and dangers, and when old enough go with them to a bar and buy them a drink, by all means.
warn them of getting drunk by accident and what to do is such a situation and promise to come to collect them from town immeidiately.

Know that if you DO NOT introduce them to alcahol and you are CLOSED about it, your child is 100000 times for more likely to have problems with drink when older. TEACH them how to be mature with drinks. Give them more if asked, but take it slowly, and tell them to stop if they start feeling tipsy or drunk at all- Teach them when to know their limit.

It IS, contuary to all your beliefs, quite very normal for people to drink ... my grandparents had wine and whisky and gin and tonic ever single day, people have it in meetings, such as a glass of whisky, people drink wine when they dine at resteraunts, and doctors advise pregnant women to drink ale, guinees or red wine during pregancy because they contain IRON and nutriants that the baby needs, indeed some alcohol is very healthy for you and can help with certain medical problems too, or work perfectly with medicines that you take (and do NOt take with some medicines.) and alcahol, some cab make one feel happier, treat depressive symptoms, give confidece, help them to be more social and have positive effects.

Let them find these positive drinks in safety, for is they have any bad reaction to any, don't let this be when out late at night with starnge men, while they pass out on the street, GOd forbid, let alone wake up with writhdrawl symptoms and hangovers.

and teenagers will experiment and overdrink and mix drinks, become addicted to alcahol, those who have never tried it and believe it and treat as normal... DON'T use it NORMALLY... this is the Truth....and some think they are doing it for fun......... desaster!!!

Educate them on this subject. Take it into your own hands. This is not the job of the pub to let them what alcahol can do, or friends to tell them drinking is just a game and the purpose is to get drunk and have "a good time", this is your job as a parent to ensure that something they WILL do and buy from a shop, as all adults do... is known to them. And therefore, they wont have any problems with alcahol.

More... thier tolerance to alcahol will be higher. They will not overdrink easily if their bodies are already used to it. IF they are not used to it, their first few drinks will be a desaster.

Do. I insist.


More on Parenting Drunk Teenagers.....

Once your children have safely been intruded and welcomes to alcoholic beverages at home, starting with bacardi breezers and mulled wine at christmas and actually baileys in coffee is very nice or jet37 and bailets in milkshakes or icecream... these are all good ideas... you must have a talk with them about alcohol.

They must be informed of things such as:

- The different types of drink, what they do and their strengths
- the limit of whichever drink it it and taught to know their own limit!
- the difference between being tipsy and being drunk.
- what to do if one ever does get drunk (go home to a trusted friend or come home!!) and if they want to stay out - to order a large meal and a liter of water!
- Never to leave thier drinks unattanted incase somebody spikes them, this is dangerous
- warn them of the dangers of ebing drunk along with the unplenentaries such as being sick everyhere, all ove ryourself, tables chair and the floor and your friends... your head spinning and spinning and you can't walk or talk, slurring, and then you black out on the street where the most horrific and dangerous of things could happen... and this should never get to that point.
- not to mix drinks but try to keep to the same ones, and know the ones that affect you well and those that don't work with your mind and body... and if a cocktail, tell them to take it slow and not have too many, but to know the limit, and please get food.

you may even supply food for them to take ot give them money for a meal and give them a liter of water too... IF your teenager returns home drink, or if your teenager calls you from town drunk and asks you to collect him or her, you put down everything yu have at once and go or find anyone possibly to go to collect them if you are in an urgent situation...

you tell them to stay exactly where they are, you say to get food and water and you pay for it when you arrive and you keep them on the phone in call until you arrive, you then ensure they get back safely having drank water and had a good meal and give them some paracetamol and preferebly night nurse (worlk wonders, even calpol works wonders...

and everybody loves calmpol) too, and then wake up, all being well and god willing, with no hang over.. the next morning you praise them for calling you for help and for trust you and turning to you when they needed you... you warn them of everything on this list again, and you tell them that you were worried about them because of what could have happened. (especially if they were alone.) you find out what made then so drunk - mixing drinks, drinking too much, too strong or lots of small shots making a big effect...) and you tell them how to better control this nect time giving advice, and if they don't remember, ah well... deary, deary me is all you can say, and please with them to drink safely and carefully next time.... adding that it wasn't nice being drunk, now, was it? :P ;)

Never again does one become angry with a drunken teenager.

Now, i would also suggest offering home parties or film nights or meals - take-away or cokked - or garden parties or simply relaxing in the bedroom or in a park down the road and at home too, (you may even have a jacoozi!! or bar at home!!) where they can bring some friends and drink at home... and if they want you to go out, you do, at least you know that if they get drunk they will just fall asleep on the sofa... meanwhile you can go into town, get wasted and have to call your child who will panic and get a taxi... hahahaha.

Like parent like child.

Angel Mary Aryia Clement.


One of these days I will write a part on teenagers having to parent drunk adults, but anyhow! 


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