Teachers Applying To The Sanctuaries and Intelligence Education

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Here! Shooouuullld I go outside?? ... I can't be bother... GOD ceresses my cheek and tried to comfort me in my great, great loss of all of this... and tried to get me to keep trying.. Il atetempt it.
Well, I had about 5 or 6 Holy Angels requesting their lesson idea as the next LOL!!! ... Iǜe chosen Archangel Michael's idea next. He will dictate this to me, which helps... what? You didn think I was doing all this alone? In Truth, all the ideas are my own for the Sanctuary... but then Angels help me out with the details of all of them... (It was my idea for further education and lessons in subjects needed and in peoples best interest, as i explained it, to make peope more open minded and cause world peace...and accepting..equal...build relationships...see dangerous people and save peopele...help people to do what they want to in life... etc. but Gods Holy Angels gave me further deas for lots of different ideas for lessons and all are telling me details of the topics to cover onin them!!! Angels are my best friends, family and soulmates. We ADORE each other, and i love them all dearly. Anywho, michaels is the next easiest. he says: The opening, Title, then topics list. Done.
Myself: Alllllrriiiiiggghhhtt theeeen....

!This second lesson idea is taught in education to anyone nowhere else in the world as of yet. The Sanctuary is the first place on earth to introduce such a subject being taught to anybody who so wishes to study it, and shows interest. This lesson is optional. It is open to be taught to children and adults of all ages. In the Sactuary, you may gain qualifications on all tops in these studies, either online courses or in person (paper) courses in the Education Center. Courses offered by all employers, and references given.!


Topics covered in this subject:

1. (Same as Success) communication skills, but this including learning how to realise and learn Suggestive and Persuasive manguage, embedding messages, encrypting words, demands/orders and sentences and messages, learning about this secret language, detecting deciet and manipulation, and this includes positive intented sentenses and speach, how to speak to children, how to use language not to be consipuous or ask leading questions, and how to successfully explain your point to people, how to argue your case well, and avoiding the nagative to build trust and rewarding relationships, 2. Reading people (Like a book! Learning them by heart!) reading body language, eye movements, directions and pupil dialation to gain information, answers to questions, and detect deciet, etc, etc, etc, detecting decietful body language, learning how to change thier own body lanaguage to give people... messages.. the right idea. :P 3. Learning to distinuish the signs, signals, traits, speach, body language, through in person, any conversation, text and writting, the SAFE and GOOD intentioned people, verses those who are DANGEROUS people and you shouldn't continue contact...... (great for early relationship cdevellopment and choosing a partner!, and great for knwoing if you should employ a person or for children, knowing who to choose as your friends.) also includes asking certain questions and searching their answers to know if this is a person who is good or bad for you..... 4. Learning in depth and deeply studying only certain areas (as needed, these students will be given a list of different articles and can choose the ones that apply to them.) of children's and human psychology, learning about human behavior, 5. Predicting people, predicting actions and reactions, tracing thier thought patterns, predicting body lanaguge, etc. Seeing the good and the bad intents and deep seated reasons behind every behavior, action, and words spoken. (being aware also of conditions and illnesses, family stresses, job and money stresses, loss of a loved one, loss of a loved pet, everything exposed.) 6. learning to see embedded words and messages in writting and documents also. AND realising the suggestions, persuasions, and embedded messages convincing everyone in adverts, in films and TV programmes, the NEWS, newspapers, and especially the social media and the media. The effects this has on the brainwashing of society today. I would strongly suggest watching Derren Brown and reading certain Intelligence services documents. Body langauge books, child and adult pschology books, deception books, etc ........everything i've put onto the "Attatchments" for an idea. Both will be provided. All are optional. Thank you for listening. Any more ideas are WELCOME. Do tell. Please add. Sincerely, Regards, and GOD BLESS. Angel Mary Clement.

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