1) WTF

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"How about on Mondays?" I asked Aliyah.

She shook her head. "I'm busy on Mondays."


"I record on Tuesdays." Her face fell.

My eyes lit up. "I got it!...Wednesdays." I smiled expectantly.

She pursed her lips. "I usually have interviews on those days, sorry."

I threw my hands in the air of frustraion. "Thursdays?" I crossed my fingers. She tilted her head to one side and pressed her lips together.

"Mmm...yeah, sure." She said with a hint of uncertainty. I cheered and she tried to hold back a laugh but failed.

"So we get to have sex on Thursdays now, yeah?" I clarified.

"Yep," she said, popping her p's.

"Yesssssss." I fist pumped in the air.
A thought killed my mood though.
"Hey Aliyah?" I started. "Isn't it weird if we just...y'know, go for it on Thursdays? Because we haven't really touched each other for a long while now..."
She crossed her arms and brought a thumb to her lip.
"...wouldn't it be...weird? or uncomfortable?" I continued.

"Hmm..." She tapped her fingers on one arm. "What do you suggest?"

"I suggest make-out sessions before and after the day we do it." I said formally. "So we'll make-out on Wednesdays and Fridays."

A smirk appeared on Aliyah's face. "You sound like you demand make-out sessions."

"That's because I want it so bad." I said flirtatiously. She bit her lip which made me a little too excited.
Gawd! I love it when she does that.

"Please don't do that," I sputtered. Her look turned smug and slowly leaned closer to my face.

"Don't do what?" She whispered in a teasing manner, "this?"
She bit her lip and breathed on my neck softly.
I can't take this anymore.

I quickly grabbed her by the wrist and veered her through the crowded, decorated hallways.
"Where are you taking me?!" She said, staggering behind. "Slow down!"
No one seemed to pay any attention on us because they were too pre-occupied. I passed by Adrienne who was talking to some of her friends near Aliyah's congratualtions-on-your-first-concert cake and my two boys chatting with our neighbors out the front yard.
As soon as I found the door to her old room (which is now a guest room), I dashed inside with Aliyah behind me and locked the door. I turned to see the puzzled look on Aliyah's face.

"What are y--" I cut her off by attempting to crash my lips on hers. To my surprise, she squealed then backed away. I felt my heart sting a little.

"Billie!" She hissed. "We can't do this right now! There are a lot of people outside! They might hear us. Or worse, Jakob could walk right in this room!"

"But look!" I showed her the calendar on my phone. "Today is a Thursday!"
She rolled her eyes at me.

"Come on," I whined. "Not even a bj for little bj?"

She let out an adorable laugh. "Cute...but not cute enough."

"Come on! It's a Thursday!" I griped. "So unfair!"

"Can't you hold it in?! I have a party to enjoy."

I sighed. "Fine."
She deserves this night after all. Aliyah worked hard to be where she is now. It was sweet of Adie to plan this surprise party for her.

She walked past me and opened the door. "Ladies first," she teased.

"Thank you," I said, joking along. I walked out of the room and she followed.

Billie and I parted ways. He went to his lovely wife,  Adrienne, while I headed over to Joey and Jakob who were chatting with some guy out in the front yard.

"Oh, hey sis!" Joey greeted then mussed my hair. I really love it when he does that. I gave him a playful glare which made him chuckle. For a moment, I still couldn't believe that I'm with the Armstrong family. It's already been a year since I got here but still...

"Oh!" Jakob exclaimed, knocking me off my reverie. "I forgot to introduce you."

Jakob's hand gestured back and forth the guy and I. "Ethan, Aliyah, Aliyah, Ethan."

"Hi, pleasure to meet you." I extended my hand and he shook it.
Quite a grip there.

"I barely see you around here," I started, "you new?"

"My dad and I moved here about four months ago...."
I wasn't able to catch up on what he was saying because his eyes were asking for too much attention. It was calling me I swear.
Aliyah, look at me...Look at us, Aliyah!

A wave of nostalgia swept over me as I looked at his warm brown eyes. It reminded me of the times I used take a walk in the woods back when I was 12.
But enough of that.
I scanned the rest of his face. This guy's pretty. I don't know if my daydreaming was getting a little to over the top but Ethan just looked at me. He's standing right in front of me just staring.
Is this really happening??
My cheeks felt super hot. I tried to hide my smile but I was positive that I still looked like an idiot. Ethan let out a low chuckle as he awkwardly ran a hand on his nape.

I felt someone nudge me on the rib...hard.
"Ow!" I turned to see Joey snickering behind me. "What was that for?"

He stifled a laugh. "Ethan just asked you a question."
And with that, I felt blood rush up to my cheeks. I was surprised that I was still able to formulate words in this situation.
"Oh! Uhh...I'm sorry, could you uhh...could you rep--I'm sorry I...I--"

The air seemed to be heavier than before but apparently Ethan wasn't affected by it.
"I was asking if you'd like to drop by sometime at our place."

Just us?? Oh my gawd oh my gawd oh my gawd. Well, that was fast.

"Yeah," Jakob chimed in, "we were talking about playing video games, stargazing, or having movie nights."

"We could also go barbecuing," Joey added.


"Sure! I'd love that!" I said. He was about to say something when somebody called out his name.

"Be back in a sec," Ethan said then excused himself.

Joey flashed me his sly smile. "Looks like somebody's got a crush on Ethan."

There was no point in hiding it.
"Yeah," I giggled.

So Aliyah's got a crush on Ethan.

You blew your chance yet again, kid.

I've been developing feelings for Aliyah since I first saw her but as each day passes, it grows stronger and stronger. Still, I'm a chicken for not saying anything up to now. Yeah I'm a little frustrated and (of course) jealous but I don't have any right, right? She's not my girlfriend or anything. We're not even dating! Kinda sad to know that she sees me as her 'bro'.
I loathe that word.

Anyways, Joey continued teasing Aliyah.
"You have a crush Ethan," he sang, "Aliyah has a crush on Ethan."

"Shut up," she shushed him. "You are such a kid."

Seeing that Aliyah actually does like Ethan made me more uncomfortable. It hurts when you see someone you like, like someone else. Plus, it's happening right in front of me.

"Danger, you alright?" Joey asked, concern clear in his eyes. Aliyah looked at me too but it was more of a I'm-sorry-Jakob-but-I-like-Ethan type of look. Well, that's what it looked like to me at least.

"Uhh..yeah," I stammered. "I was just uhh..."
I scanned the room, trying to spot something or someone I could excuse myself with. Thank goodness I found my buddy Kevin.
"Yo, Kev!" I hollered then went straight to him.

"Well that was..." I couldn't come up with a word to describe what just happened.

"Ummm...weird?" Joey offered.


We both shook it off and enjoyed the rest of night.

He's The One [Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfic] (Book 2 of Not The One)Where stories live. Discover now