12) Not Again

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"I can explain," he said.

"Don't have to." And with that, Aliyah threw herself at me. She kissed me like it was going to be my last day on earth. I picked her up and hurled her on the bed.

"Like it rough, huh?" Aliyah said, eyes filled with lust.

"Oh yeah." We then took the rest of our clothes off.

As soon as I was done, Aliyah managed to pin me down the bed.
"My turn," she whispered in my ear with a sultry voice. Words aren't enough to explain how turned on I was. I tried to be on top of her but she kept holding me down.

"My bed, my rules."
Ooohhh I like that.
She leaned over for a kiss but as I was about to kiss her, she backed up a little, teasing me. I tried to kiss her again but she did it once more. The mischievous grin in her face urged me to just grab hold of her face and finally kiss her. When I was about to do that, I heard a loud click like something has been locked. I then realized that something held my hand back.
She handcuffed me to her bed.

I got excited in an instant. She never did this before. We never did this before. I looked at her in awe, waiting for what else she has in store for me.
Aliyah reached to the side of her bed, grabbing another one and cuffing me my free hand over my head. I noticed that the handcuffs were legit. Not the kind of type they sell for kinky stuff.

"Where did you ge--" She stopped me in mid-question, laying a finger on my lips. Aliyah then started leaving trails of kisses down my body. I moaned as her mouth enveloped my manhood. She licked from the base all the way to the tip, her eyes fixed on mine. Aliyah lightly grazed her teeth on my member before taking it all in. I threw my head back, taking in some air. She sucked on it, occasionally letting it hit the back of her throat. I groaned in frustration because she was deliberately going too slow.
When then time came that I can't take it any longer, I begged, "fuck me."

She leveled her face with mine, giving me a clear view of the smug look painted on her face. Aliyah straddled me, lined it up, then started to ride me. I watched her moan lusciously, breasts bouncing to the rhythm and nails digging on my chest. Even though she's the one on top, I felt dominant seeing the pleased reactions on her face. I'm the one with the dick after all.
Aliyah went faster, her muscles tightening around me and the rest of her body slightly trembling. I wanted to pin her down and finish her off but I can't. She bit on her lip long and hard, exciting me even more. I bucked my hips forcefully, meeting hers. We're both close, I could feel it.

I parked outside Aliyah's house, a bouquet of lilies sitting on the passenger seat. It's been awhile since I last gave her something special. I wanted to surprise her today. I took deep breaths, mustering enough courage to walk up her front door. Soon, I found myself on her doorstep. I stopped mid-knock, thinking about how to give the flowers to her.
Am I simply gonna hand her these? Or should I leave it inside her house with a note?
I decided to go with the latter. I fished her spare key out my pocket and unlocked the door.

Aliyah came and I know I was gonna be next. As if she could read my mind, Aliyah got off of me and sucked me hard, finishing me off. I moaned with great satisfaction as I released in her mouth. I rested my head on the pillow with my eyes closed, letting my pulse return back to its normal state.
Suddenly, I heard faint footsteps coming from outside. One person immediately came to my mind – Jakob.
Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

"Psst psst psst," I called to Aliyah frantically. "Jakob's here."

Her eyes widened and she quickly gulped down my juices. "What?! What are you--"

We both turned our heads to the direction of the sound of an unlocking door. "Fuck!" I panicked. "Get me out of these, hurry!"
Aliyah shushed me then sprung out of bed. She started searching for the keys everywhere. "Billie I'm sorry," she whispered hopelessly, putting her clothes back on. "I'll figure out a way."

Before she could go step outside, we both heard Jakob slowly making his way towards the room.
"He's coming!" I panicked even more. "He's coming!"

"I'll keep him out," Aliyah said with determination.

"No! No! You'll be too obvious! We can't risk it!"

"Then what am I supposed to do?!"
We bickered in soft, high-pitched voices.

I screwed the 'note' idea and switched to personally giving her the flowers instead. I thought about standing outside her room, calling her and telling her to open the door because I have a surprise waiting for her.
I wanna see the look on her face when she sees me with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
Girls find that sweet right?

I stood out her door, fixing myself. I took out my phone and dialed her number. I heard her phone ring from the other side.
Great, she's home.
"Hello?" I heard Aliyah's voice on the other end.

"Hey, I got a surprise waiting for you. Open your door and you'll see." With that, I hung up.
Thought it'll be cool that way.

Seconds after, Aliyah opened the door. But she only opened it wide enough for her head to fit through. "Jakob!" She exclaimed. "You're here!"

I handed her the lilies with a cheeky smile. "Brought you these."

"Awww, thanks Jakob!" As she put her hands out to receive the gift, the door slightly opened, revealing a big messy pillowfort.

"Nice pillowfort," I commented.
Aliyah's blood rushed up to her cheeks.
"Can you give me tour?" I joked, hoping that she'd say yes. I wanna come inside her room where things might heat up a little.

"No," she said firmly, making my heart sting a bit.

"Come on, don't be embarrassed about this. It's fine, I still make pillowforts all the time." I lied on the the last part to make her comfortable.

Aliyah chuckled nervously but decided to let me in.


I felt them sit on the edge of the bed. My heart pounded faster than before. They conversed for a short while but I wasn't able to catch a single word. I was too busy trying not to get caught.
Soon, I heard Jakob leave. A heavy weight was lifted on my chest.

Suddenly, I was blinded by a bright light. I looked up at Aliyah who's holding the keys in one hand.
"Good thing you didn't shit yourself," she joked. I was surprised that she can still joke around after what had just happened.

I was better off dead a while ago.

He's The One [Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfic] (Book 2 of Not The One)Where stories live. Discover now