21) Stairway to Heaven

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Days after the party, I noticed that Aliyah wasn't...herself any longer. Plus, she was always on the phone talking to someone, asking to give her more time. I asked her about it but she kept telling me that it was 'no biggie.'

"Hey babe," Adie called to me.


"I'll just go get my nails done. I'll borrow your car, by the way."

"Sure," I kissed her soflty. "Take care."


Minutes later, I got a call from Aliyah. She asked me if I could come over. Judging from her tone, this ain't gonna be good. I drove to her house nevertheless, my heart racing. I wonder what's up.

I went to her doorstep and rang the doorbell. She then opened it and let me inside.

"Something the matter?" I asked.

"Yeah," Aliyah sighed. "I wanna talk about...us."

My eyebrows furrowed. "...okay??" As far as I know, we're doing well.

"I...," she broke eye contact with me, "I think I'm better off with Ethan."

I let out a nervous chuckle. "What?"
She must be kidding, right?

"I dunno," she said with her eyes glued to the floor. "I feel...happier when I'm with him. And...I feel like I've got nothing to hide."

"Hey, I've seen your video and how could you possibly give him a second chance?" I retorted.

"Because I believe that we're better together," she said, looking up to face me.

"This...this doesn't make any sense!"

I try my best to hold back the truth. Billie can't know about Vera because he'll charge at her impulsively. And that cannot happen because she's got our lives and reputation in her hands.

"Aliyah, know your self-worth, alright?" He squeezed my shoulders tight. "You can't let a guy treat you like that then come back running to him!"

"But...he's the one that I want," I choked all of it out. "I'm done with us, Billie. I'm done with the hiding."

"No, listen to me. You don't know what you're sa--"

"I know what I'm saying." I cut him off. "It's what I want and I hope you understand."

Every word I say is a pain. I just want to get this over with.

"This is a stupid move, Aliyah. You're selling your body like some whore on the street!"

"I don't care!" I shot back.

"Oh, so you wanna look cheap and easy??" Billie crossed his arms. "Fine! After all, you're just some girl I fucked backstage."

Time seemed to stop. I felt so much emotions at once I didn't know which one to feel. I was...speechless.
Regret was evident in Billie's eyes and I saw my reflection in them, still too stunned to move a muscle.

"Aliyah, I'm sorry." Billie said, tears welling up. "I didn't mean it!"

Anger and pain coursed through me. Now, I am so done; for real. I punched him square in the face. "I was only doing this for us!"

I wiped my tears with my sleeve, grabbed my car keys and left Billie in the house.

I kept driving aimlessly through the dim street, tears still cascading down my cheeks. What he said brought me inexplicable pain. I love him and I thought that he loves me like how I do, but no. Turns out that our hearts don't beat as one.

I...I took a bullet for him.
I jumped out of a car for him.
I made this sacrifice for him.

But...I was always the obsessed fan that loved too much. So much that even Billie himself can't level with it. We have always been one-sided all along. I was the only one who loved with all my heart.

It was then too late for me to realize that I was nearing an intersection. I stomped on the brakes hard enough to let the wheels skid against the asphalt.

I was trying to get my shit together when I got a call. I was told that there was a car crash not far from here and that...


...my car collided with...



"Dad, how bad is it?" Jakob asked from the backseat.

"I...I....I- I- I'm not sure," I stammered. I did my best on keeping my hands on the wheel.

"Are they gonna..." Joey trailed off.

Soon, we made it to the hospital. I remembered the time when Aliyah almost died.
But now, the lives of my two beloved girls are hanging by a thread. I watched people dashing to and fro the emergency room, all of them too busy to answer my questions.

There's nothing I could do for now but wait. My head throbbed and beads of sweat are trailing down my body. I don't wanna lose them.
This is all my fault!
I should've stopped Aliyah from driving.
I should've just accepted everything.

Now look at what I've done. I punched the wall with much force that my knuckles bled. Joey called a nurse to attend to me. After getting my hand all fixed, someone emerged from the double doors of the emergency room and was heading towards us.

"Mr. Armstrong," The doctor said with a dejected look on his face. "I...I hate to say this but...only one survived the crash."

I felt like my soul was sucked away from me. My knees buckled and I sank to the ground. I felt...numb. I hoped and prayed for this to be only a dream; but no...

Life hit me hard.

What should I say?
What should I ask?

Should I ask who made it...?

...or who didn't?

My hands shook as I tried to speak. "Who...who..."
I gulped then took a deep breath. "Who...made it?"

I slowly raised my hands to my ears, not wanting to hear the answer; but I have to know.

"It was," the doctor started. "It was A--"

He's The One [Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfic] (Book 2 of Not The One)Where stories live. Discover now