19) Happy New Year

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30 minutes till New Year...

I was drinking my punch when Ethan came over to refill his.
"Hey," he greeted, a bit tense.
"Hey," I greeted back the same way.

We averted each other's gaze as he refilled his glass. Tension hung in the air. I know that Ethan already apologized but there's still this...uneasy feeling between us. It really sucks dick. I liked Ethan a lot, to be honest. After what he did, I don't know if there will still be a chance to be with him in the same way again...minus the feelings.
Probably not.
Perhaps, if I wanted. But do I?
That, I do not know.

Ethan finally finished refilling his drink. I couldn't be any happier. We exchanged effortful smiles then he went on his way. Glad that was over. Time went painfully slow at that moment.

20 minutes till New Year...

I noticed that Jakob had always been in my line of sight. He's probably waiting for the New Year's kiss since the one we were supposed to have under the mistletoe was interrupted...by Billie. He's talking to some girl, maybe someone he knows at school, in the living room. Hopefully, Jakob will kiss her at midnight. I'm not really ready to kiss my guy's son.

I got nothing better to do so I headed over to the kitchen sink and washed all of the dishes along with the others I found laying around the house.

5 minutes till New Year...

Dammit! Sink's leaking.
I set off to find Adrienne or Billie and ask them where they keep their tools. I soon found out from Adrienne that they keep them down the basement. I then headed to the basement, aware that it's now 3 minutes away from New Year. I don't want to be anywhere in sight when countdown starts...especially with Jakob lurking about. I might even earn an awkward moment with Ethan if everyone around us starts kissing except for the two of us. And what if Jakob swoops in in front of Ethan?
I'm done thinking.

I rummaged through the basement for tools. I could now hear people cheering upstairs since it's a minute away from New Year.
"I'll just finish the countdown here," I mumbled to myself then continued with my search.

"Where in the hell are those to--- there you are!" I pulled out the tools I found on the shelf.

"5!" The people cheered from upstairs. "4!"
I heard footsteps scurrying down to the basement.


I saw Billie running towards my direction then he stops in front me, catching his breath.


"Billie?? What are you--"

"1!" The crowd shouted in chorus, cutting me off.

"Happy New Year," he beamed.

Then Billie kissed me.

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