11) Stick 'em Up!

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"I'll just drive Aliyah's car back to her place," I shouted out to whoever's inside the house.

"Dad wait!" Jakob called, running down the stairs. "Can you help me with something?"

"Sure, what is it?"
Hope it's not about Aliyah.

"It's about Aliyah," he said.
Damn it.

"What about her?"

"What flowers does she like?" Jakob asked, very eager to know the answer.

"Lilies," I told him.

"Great! Thanks dad!" He beamed at me then ran back to his room.

I sighed then left.


I arrived at Aliyah's house after a one hour drive. I parked her car in the garage then walked to her doorstep. Before I could ring the doorbell, she already opened the door.  "Hey, thanks for driving my car back here, Billie."


"So," she started, "want something before you go? I baked lasagna...your favorite." She said that last part with a half-hearted smile and sad eyes. "I could make garlic bread too, if you want. I'll just bring it over to your place once I'm done."

"Sure, thanks." Can't say no to lasagna.
Though I felt that she was kind of pushing me away. She didn't at least invite me to come inside.
"But uhmm...can I...y'know...stay here for a while? It's been a long drive."
Fuck manners. I wanna go inside.

"Uhh...sure," she said with a hint of uncertainty. Aliyah then opened the door wide enough for me to come in.

"I'll go prepare the food," she said while closing the door behind her. "Make yourself comfortable."

As Aliyah made her way to the kitchen, I traipsed around her house. She did say to make myself comfortable. I'm comfortable.
I found her room and walked inside. I know it wasn't right to just do that but this is Aliyah. I'm sure she won't mind. I sat on the edge of her bed, reminiscing. There's been a lot of memories made in this very room. I remember sneaking in here late at night. I remember lying on this very bed with her. I remember us sharing stories when we couldn't sleep.

As I looked around, I noticed Aliyah's wallpaper. It was us. I walked over to the laptop and just stared at the picture. We look so...happy. So...'together'. I started to miss being with Aliyah again.
I spotted a minimized folder in her taskbar. Again, I shouldn't be doing this but I clicked it anyway. The thing maximized and in it were all of our pictures together. I scrolled down, mesmerized at the number of pictures she'd kept and taken. Not long, I've reached the bottom. The last file was a video. I made the thumbnail larger and saw that it was Aliyah crying. My heart sank. I assumed that the video is about me. Curious, I took out my earbuds from my pocket, plugged it in, and hovered the mouse pointer on the video.
Am I ready for what I'm about to see? For what I'm about to hear?
Fuck it.
I double-clicked the video. I painfully watched the first minutes of it. Seeing Aliyah cry and talk about our good times together made my heart ache. I didn't know that she still cares...so much.
She still loves me...
Aliyah still loves me!
I slumped down on her computer chair, feeling mixed emotions. I threw back my head and shut my eyes.
What have I done?
Ugh, I hate myself. This is all my fault.
I was so blind...
So blind...

I heard a laugh in my earbuds. It was Aliyah.  My eyes shot wide open and I leaned towards the screen, watching her laugh. I don't know what made her laugh but I don't care. It's nice to see that something brought a smile to her face. Seconds later, her expression changed. She bit on her lip, pondering about something. Then, she stood up from her chair and laid down on her bed. Aliyah said something to herself but she was too far from the microphone for me to hear. I continued to watch, wanting to know what she'll do the next.

Then, one hand started to slip under shorts.
Holy fuck.
My eyes widened as I watched her pleasure herself on her bed. I can feel my heart beat faster every second.
She looks so fucking hot.
I've never seen her masturbate before. This is...this is new. This is good.
And there goes my boner.
My hand flew to my crotch, wanting to set it free. It's getting trapped in my jeans! It needs more space man.

Soon, she stood up and fished a vibrator out of a drawer. Aliyah took off her shorts and inserted the toy inside of her.
Did I tell you that this was good?
Well, it's getting better.
I started to sweat. I.am.so.turned.on.right.now.
I can feel the heat dance around me. I just gotta...I just gotta jerk off to this.

I paused the video and checked on Aliyah. She was still busy in the kitchen. Plus, she's got her earbuds on. She'll probably be done after...10 minutes at most?
I still got time. I then rushed back to her room and unzipped my pants.
"This is gonna be good," I said to myself before I started stroking my member. I turned the volume up to hear her luscious moans.
I thank the universe for bringing me here.

I was packing the food for Billie to take home when I realized that he wasn't in the living room. I also remembered that I left my laptop open.


I bolted to my room only to see the door that was slightly open. Time stopped. Everything stopped. It seems as though my blood stopped circulating too.
I took a deep breath then started to walk towards the ajar door. I thought about what I'm going to say if ever Billie sees my video. Hopefully he's just chilling in my room. I gently pressed my palm on the door.
I can do this. I mean...he'll be mature about it, right? He'll understand.

I took another deep breath then opened the door.

I went faster, following Aliyah's rhythm. I watched her grasp the sheets hard.
I wish I was one who was do--

"OH MY GOD!" Somebody exclaimed.
I looked at the doorway and saw Aliyah's appalled expression. We just stared at each other, mouths hanging open.

I realized that my hand was still attached to my dick. I put both hands in the air spontaneously.
My penis managed to do that too.

"I can explain." That was all I could say.

He's The One [Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfic] (Book 2 of Not The One)Where stories live. Discover now