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"Hey hun" My mum called from the kitchen.She was dancing and singing to Candy by Robbie Williams,while she was prepering the tea."Where's Blossm?" I asked.

"Your dad's picking her up" She replyed.I wondered up stairs and sat down on my bed.A few mintues later,the front door opened and in came Blossom,with my dad "Hey sweet heart" I heared dad say to my mum."Stroma ?!" Called my little sister up the stairs.

"In here Blossom"I replyed.Blossom walked into my room and gave me my big bear hug,like she does every day.Then she ran of to her room to play.When i was giving Blossom her bed time kiss,later on in the evening she whispered in my ear "There is a family next door just like us,their little girl is called Rowan Jack and she has an older sister called Jenifer Jack but everyone calls her Jj.I'm going to be best friends with Rowan."

"That's nice" I say to her.I wonder if to my bedroom to think about what Blossom has told me.Tommorow i will have to invesrergate.

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