~Sleepover Invite~ (Chapter one)

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Some months after Velvet and Veneer were released from prison they bought a house, Velvet took care of the house and cleaned up.Veneer barely left his room and if he did leave it was to get more brozone posters or things related to brozone.Velvet always heard Veneer crying from different rooms in the house,she always left his food at his door since he didn't come out to get it.When she'd go in to get the 'empty dish' nothing had been eaten.

One morning the house phone rang and Velvet answered,"hello this is Velvet,who is this?" And heard a voice back "It's Floyd,I wanted to invite you to my sleepover.It will just be me,branch,spruce,clay,JD you and Veneer." Velvet gasped,"Oh thank you but I'd have to ask Veneer since I'm afraid to leave him home alone after...the incident." Velvet replied.

"VENEER!" she called,"Yes Vel?" Veneer sobbed."We are being invited to a sleepover!" She told him,"By who?" He asked curiously."By Floyd!" She said."ILL BE 5 MINUTES" his voice called out.Veneer started packing up his brozone pjs and his special Floyd plushie which not even Velvet knew about,he rushed downstairs where Velvet was holding her bag with her things in it.

Sorry for a short one I'll to try to write more words.(226)

I might write chapter 2 because I'm bored and really like this plot so far.I also got school and I'm writing this at 10 o'clock so yh.

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