~Sleepy~(Chapter 7)

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"Woooahhh, didn't know you were a fan of us?!" "hehe...well I am" Veneer said with a nervous laugh and then told the trolls "Stay here Im just gonna change-"  and walks off.

Floyd and the others got curious and decided to check Veneers closet to find a bunch of brozone merch,his own merch,fanmail and plushies.Floyd was interested in a Veneer plushie,he didn't know why but that Veneer plushie was so small and he was able to hold it.Floyd instantly became attached to it and hid under Veneers bed cuddling with it."Floyd come out!!" The other trolls yelled,but Floyd stayed under there.When Veneer came back he found the trolls but saw Floyd was missing,"Where's Floyd!" And all the brothers pointed under the bed.Veneer reached his hand under and pulled out a Floyd that was snuggled up against his hand,"oh guys,do you wanna go on a walk?Ill just put Floyd in my pocket since it's warm in there" The brothers shook their heads.It was just Floyd and Veneer.

Veneer smiled looking at the sweet sky and the beautiful butterflys,he used to wish he was a butterfly or a bird.So he could be free,but he prefers being normal Veneer.As Veneer approached a park someone shouted out "WAIT",maybe it was a fan, could it be a friend?but to Veneers surprise it was his Ex boyfriend Pirij.Veneer and Pirij broke up because he was abusive towards Veneer and never let him do anything,he also tried to force Veneer into things.Veneers heart sank as Pirij ran up and grabbed him,"Veneer,my love please get back with me!Think about everything we can have!" "no thanks Pirij, thanks for the offer but I have someone else In mind..." "PLEASE VENEER YOU MUST!YOU DON'T WANT ME TO HURT YOU AGAIN DO YOU?" Veneer started to shake and his voice was quaiky as Pirij pinned him against a brick wall.Pirij raised his fist and punched Veneer right in the eye,That went on for 10 minutes and Pirij had ruined Veneers face,outfit and his skin.Veneer was covered in cuts and bruises.Pirij let him go and walked off.

When Veneer got back he put Floyd down and fell to his knees crying and Velvet rushed over to him,"VENEER WHAT HAPPENED!?" "Oh...just bumped into an Ex.." Veneer replied between sniffles.Velvet got a med kit and started treating his wounds,he told her all the things he did Pirij even forced a kiss on him.Velvet was livid,Pirij had some nerve to mess with her brother.To stay more appropriate i wont rescribe everything she did to Pirij but hes now in the hospital.

Night rolled around and everyone got into their sleeping bags, Floyd couldn't sleep,he needed Veneer.So he crept up and climbed onto Veneer's bed and climbing next to Veneer and waking him "Psst..hey, can I sleep next to you..I can't sleep" Veneer agreed and they slept.Poppy woke up because the hug-time braclets kept going off and to her surprise she saw Veneer and Floyd together,took a picture and ran back to Velvets room.

I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH 💕💕That's to Everybody who reads my story,I will continue this one but will create another Floneer Story as well as a Barvet(Barb x Velvet) and please do remember my characters are aged up, Veneer is 20 and Velvets 20,Barb IS 26 and Floyd is 30 and the others are the same age.

Bye,stay tuned for the next chapter my rapid readers💕💕💕

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