~🌊Beach day 🌊~(Chapter 6)

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Before this chapter start's,i know the last chapter didn't get 5 votes but I don't care.Enjoy🤪

Everyone started walking to the beach,well...some of them.Veneer had Floyd on his shoulder (Floyd was just eating mini hotdogs while Veneer ran) "WOOHOO!" Floyd shouted out as Veneer sprinted meanwhile Velvet and the trolls were talking.

"Are you 100% sure your brother doesn't have autism?" Asked JD,"honestly I don't know." Replied Velvet."Uh who are those trolls up there?" "oh that's just Queen poppy and Queen Barb,WAIT QUEEN POPPY AND QUEEN BARB???" Said JD clearly shocked."HEYYYY GUYS" Yelled out Queen Barb,Velvet looked at Barb then looked away."Damn I didn't know trolls could be sexy.." Velvet muttered under her breath,"What ya say" asked Branch,"do you wanna kidnap her???" "No Jesus!Oh look branch it's your girlfriend~" Velvet replied looking at Poppy.

The gang arrived at the beach, Veneer was wearing this black shirt thingy with white pants meanwhile  Floyd was wearing an outfit that was clearly warming Floyd up,that was bad, Floyd looked sick."Floyd are you alright?" Veneer asked concerned,"I'm okay Veneer.." Floyd replied."I hate when people do this bullshit..." Veneer said annoyed, pulling out the beach bag and grabbing something out of it.He grabbed Floyds jumper and took it off him, putting something that was more suitable for him.Floyds face flushed red and he passed out on the sand, turning red."Woah I didn't know trolls could change colour" Veneer says as Floyd's brothers ran over,"WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR BROTHER!!!???" They screamed angrily."I didn't do anything to him! All I did was replace his jumper to something that was more classical for him to wear in the summer,OH NO IS HE SUNBURNT!IS THAT WHY HE TURNED RED!?" He replied to the trolls worried."Eh just take him into the water!" They said in unison and walked off, Veneer woke Floyd up grabbing a Floatie, snorkels and a bunch more stuff."Veneer is this really nessesary?" Floyd asked,"i just wanna make sure your safe".

Veneer got Floyd into the water,"ooo Floyd watch this!I'm gonna hit that high note my sister hit, without using troll essence!" Veneer told Floyd.Veneer jumped up and sang,"Baby remember my naaaaaaaaameeeeeee~!" Everyone watched as Veneer hit the high note and flew in the air as he came back down, splashing."How was that?" Veneer asked Floyd but didn't get a response,when Veneer turned around to ask his brothers what was wrong but everyone who was at the beach and the group were looking at him.

"What?DID THAT REMIND YOU OF ME AND VELVET TORTURING FLOYD!IM SO S-" he was cut off by Floyd,"No thats in the past,it's just your voice is so... beautiful" "NOW CAN WE GO GET MORE HOTDOGS IM STARVING!!!" "HOW THE HELL DID YOU EAT ALL THOSE -?'' "DONT QUESTION ME AND BUY MORE 😡" "okay jeez"

Floyd and Veneer sat on the sunbeds, Floyd was just eating those hotdogs and Veneer was staring at him from the side of his eye."Veneer,is something wrong with your eyes?" Floyd asked concerned,Veneer felt his heart beat faster and started breathing heavily like in the interview,"WHAT?MY EYES?NOOO! NOTHINGS WRONG!" And he tries to laugh it off."Veneer do you hate me?" He asked looking sad,"No!" he yelled pulling Floyd close to him.Eventually the trolls and Velvet came to the sunbeds and saw Veneer and Floyd sleeping(Floyd was on top of Veneer),"Awh" Velvet murmured pulling out her phone camera and taking a picture.Veneer instantly woke up and put his middle finger up and whispered "Floyd's trying to sleep,waken him and ill beat you up",Velvet instantly put her camera down.

Floyd's thoughts

Huh...I think I fell asleep,why do I feel so warm?Veneer?his chest is so warm and comfy...I don't wanna let go..."Floyd?you awake?" I hear a familiar voice and I answer in a groan back "9000 more hours..".He tried to shake me off him but i didn't let go,he smelt like watermelon with sugar and his body heat makes me sleepy...im addicted.

"GUYS PLS HELP FLOYD WON'T LET GO-!" Veneer cried trying to shake the troll off him,"Lmao" Said Queen Barb."LANGUAGE" screams Poppy,"Ugh, anyways either 1:you guys have a secret or Floyd loves your scent,it happens with trolls when they find a scent they like,they're addicted to it" Saying Barb as she tells Veneer."Since we don't have a secret or anything like that I think he's addicted to my scent," He replied cradling Floyd in his arms as he was in a deep sleep."Yall should i be concerned because he isn't waking up," "Nah,maybe put him down then he'll wake up" suggests one of the trolls.

Floyd started having a hissy fit when Veneer put him down and gave Veneer puppy eyes."I'm gonna pick him back up" Veneer said,just as he was about to the brozone brothers pushed him away."Don't do it,hes in his addicted phase so don't try to interact with him."Floyd tried to punch another troll but Veneer pushed him away,"Floyd no violence!" Veneer shouted picking him up and Floyd instantly drifted off to sleep,"I think it'd be better if I hold him".

They decided to go to Velvets and Veneers house and it was actually really big,"So girls come in my room and boys go in Veneers room" "Vels- I haven't had time to hide all the brozone stuff!" Veneer Whispers to her,"Too bad" She says bringing all the girls to the room."Uh...My Room is just that one,down the hall"

I'm sorry...(Floyd X Veneer)Where stories live. Discover now