~Realisation~(Chapter 5)

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The morning rolls around quickly and Floyd find himself awake before all the others,he goes down to the bathroom Nd looks at himself in the mirror."What the fuck?Does Veneer wear lipstick in his sleep????And why is it not coming off!?" He talked to himself for a good 20 Minutes before he heard the sound of someone eating a burger and instantly knew it was Bruce(not spruce,I think anyway since I might of been spelling his name wrong)  because Bruce is a fucking fatass.

Floyds pov

SHIT! SOMEONE IS KNOCKING ON THE DOOR,"uh hello?".I heard an answer and it was Clay "BRO OPEN THE DOOR,I NEED TO SHIT",I instantly answered "what the fuck,how are we even related???".

Clays pov

Istg if this bitch does not come out of this bathroom I am going to strangle him."BROTHA OPEN UP" I yelled waking up almost everyone except Veneer,idk what that dudes issue is but he needs help-

Normal pov

Velvet came stomping down the hallway,"what is the reason for this noise?And can whoever is in there get out because I need to do my makeup" she says as she slams open the door and a little troll comes scurrying out.But clay instantly rushed in and double locked it,"I HATE YOU SO MUCH 😭" Velvet screamed.Veneer had woken up and rubbed his eyes,"What's wrong big sis?" "ugh...these trolls aren't fucking coming out of the bathroom," Velvet replied clearly angry."Chill out, I'll help you since I'm an expert in makeup" he said dragging her to his stuff and started to do her makeup."SLAYAAYAYAYAYA" Veneer yelled.

Eventually everyone got to the kitchen for breakfast, except Floyd.Then he walked in and everyone gasped when they saw that bright green lipstick kiss mark on his cheek,"BRO HOW DID YOU GET THAT" everyone yelled.Just then Velvet snapped her neck to look directly at her brother,"Veneer isn't your lipstick green...?" And everyone turned to look towards him and indeed his lips were green."I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT" Veneer cried in girly pop,"Actually Veneer,you did..But it was in your sleep so you technically did it on accident..-" Floyd got cut off when John Dory jumped on the table and got right close to Veneer."Who do you think you are..? Kissing my brother" Veneers cheeks turned rosey red when he mentioned 'Kissed my brother'

Veneers pov

DID I ACTUALLY KISS HIM???WHAT IF HE HATES ME!I DID IT AGAINST HIS WILL!IM SO WEIRD!I shouldn't have come to this sleepover...I feel my cheeks loose their colour and my face feel a bit...sad.Everyone could see how i was feeling due to my expression.

"Sorry" Veneer answered,one of the brothers were about to say something when Floyd interrupted."Don't be so hard on him,he didn't mean it okay!?",Veneers expression dropped.Nobody had cared so much about him,even though his sister took care of him something felt different when Floyd said it."Now how about a trip to the park or the amusement park,let's do everything!" Floyd said cheering everyone up.

Guess what? ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER<3 also sorry for the swearing it just needed it.I won't post chapter 6 until this gets 5 votes.(There's no deadlines dw) Bye sillies!

I'm sorry...(Floyd X Veneer)Where stories live. Discover now