~Sleepover games~ (Chapter 2)

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As they arrived at the brozone's home (in my version it's big enough for the mount regions and bergins ect)

"Hello- WOAH HELLO VENEER AND VELVET" branches jaw DROPPED seeing them,"Floyd why are they here!" branch complained."Well I sorta missed Veneer..?" Floyd says,"Never knew you were that colourful inside(Gay reference)" Branch joked as he wandered into the house.

As they all went inside Floyd announced they'd play hide and seek, Floyd was it.10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1 Floyd started seeking.He looked under the bed and found Clay eating playdough again,he found John Dory on the ceiling.He checked in Velvets bag and found nothing,so he checked Veneers back and found..The perfume bottle.Floyd looked horrified,"Veneer,what is this!"Floyd shouted as everyone came out of their hiding spots.

Veneer started shaking as he saw what it was, immediately grabbing it.Velvet tried to stop him but it was to late,anger pumping through his blood like crazy made him throw the bottle across the room and even in between the broken shards stomping on it with his bare feet.Velvet pulled him to the side,"Uhm..do you know where the bathroom is?" Velvet sighed.Spruce looking heavily concerned points to the door on the side,while Velvet put some bandages on it they discussed what happened and started to clean up the floor.

"I'm sorry..." Veneers sobbs could be heard from the bathroom and Floyd knocked on the door, Velvet let him in and Floyd jumped onto Veneer's hand and hugged him."It's okay..we all make mistakes sometimes, Velvet...Has this happened before" He asked and Velvet told him all about some incidents that were close to what just happened.


I'm sorry...(Floyd X Veneer)Where stories live. Discover now