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"Hey..Veneer,I just wanted to give you this :)" Floyd hands Veneer some flowers and chocolate,"Eh...sorry i didn't know what chocolate you liked".Veneer stared at him with his sapphire blue eyes,"I love it blueberry" Floyd blushed and replied "I love you kiwi" Kissing sounds.

"Hey orchid...do you know Japanese?" Velvet asked,"Not really I only know a few words,why?"."Oh nothing~","これをどう伝えたらいいのかわかりませんが、あなたが他の誰かを好きになるのではないかと心配しています。私をあなたの愛する人にさせてください!私はあなたを愛しています 蘭。" Before Velvet could muster more words out of her mouth Orchid kissed her,"ベルベット、あなたは私が愛する唯一の女の子です。私はあなたが他の誰かを好きだと思うかわからない,私はいつもあなたを愛してきました <3"."oh you dirty little liar!" Velvet mumbled before her and Orchid just ah..kissed some more.

"Hiya Brandy my love, got you a valentine's gift!" Bruce smiled passing his wife a heart shaped box that contained some jewelry with her name embroidered on it."Oh I love you honey,"."MOMMY DADDY! LOOK I GOT A VALENTINE'S CARD!" Brandy and Bruce both looked at eachother and said,"And I love our family".

I'm sorry...(Floyd X Veneer)Where stories live. Discover now