Alicia's pov
I've stopped counting the days at this point, I mean, what's the use? I'll probably be here for a long time and keeping track of time is the least of my worries; not to mention it's depressing. The longer I'm here, the more I miss Delia. I've thought about Lana a few times too, I just stopped showing up to work after all. I'm sure she got with Cordelia though, who definitely told her what was going on.

I wonder if there's posters of me like all the other missing people. I sure hope not, if I'm honest. I suppose I shouldn't be worried about that either though. Nothing is really important anymore if I'm honest. The only thing I really look forward to is eating; the one joy that has remained throughout all this. I have to admit Diane is a really good cook—not better than Delia, but still very good.

"Knock knock. Hi, sweetheart" speak of the devil and she shall appear I guess. "Hi, Diane" I say to which she frowns a bit because she did say she prefers 'mommy' but I told her not to push it. "Today is oatmeal, fresh fruit with sugar on top and sat in the fridge just how you like it, I even put some oat milk in it—I remembered you can't have dairy" she states as she pulls out the tray and sets it on the bed.

I smile a little at her gesture, I can't lie and say she's not sweet. She's kind of like sour patch kids, remember how they ran around like crazy little monsters on the commercials? But then you get past that exterior and it's just a sweet gummy. She also took the liberty of not chaining me up anymore, which is nice as well.

"You know... I've been meaning to talk to you" she prompts, "well it's not like I can go anywhere so feel free" I gesture before taking a spoonful of the oatmeal and she sighs. "I feel like you've been very closed off. I mean, I've done everything you asked of me" she sighs exasperatedly, "except the most important—letting me go" I point out.

"I would let you go but the problem is that I don't want you to get hurt" she mumbles, "and how exactly would I get hurt?" I ask sassily. "I know you want to believe that Cordelia loves you but, honey... I know her. Which means I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that she's forgotten you by now" she sighs, "you're lying" I counter simply, eating some fruit to give me an excuse not to look at her.

"I'm not, sweetheart. Cordelia... well she's had a troubled past and I've dealt with my own things too so I get it. But I would never ever leave you or let anything happen to you, let alone stop looking for you! She doesn't understand us, Alicia—what it's like to feel alone. What it's like to love someone so much it consumes you. She's never loved anyone like that—I don't think she's loved anyone at all" she thinks aloud.

"Diane... stop" I whisper, "I'm sorry, darling, but you need to hear it. She's over you and you should try to do the same with her. Accept your new life here; I promise it's not that bad. Cordelia is used to having unstable relationships, one night stands, and just partners that come and go. I'm sorry you fell victim to her tricks but I can assure you it won't happen again, not with me" she whispers.

"STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT! YOU'RE LYING YOU'RE A LIAR" I scream, "honey, it's ok. Just try to stay calm for me I-" she stops mid sentence and turns her head away from me. I try to catch my breath and calm myself, wanting to know what distracted her. "Ok, sweetie listen... I need you to stay very very quiet for me, alright? I think someone's trying to break in" she whispers just before there's a knock at the door.

For a second I think it's Delia but I know her knock and that's not it. So against my better judgment I do stay quiet, after all it's about survival. Diane may not be the best but no one else would treat me any better so it's best I stay here where the grass is greener.

Delia's pov
My foot taps impatiently as I wait, noises being drowned out around me. "Delia, maybe this was a bad idea... we're not armed or anything I mean—not to say she's dangerous... but she kinda is" someone says but I don't get a chance to reply because the door opens soon after. Got ya bitch. "Hi, Diane" I say politely, "oh... hi, Delia! What a nice surprise?" she prompts and I smirk.

"You know, I've been looking for Alicia everywhere and something told me I might find her here. It's the only place I haven't looked so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try. You wouldn't happen to know where she is, would you?" I ask with narrowed eyes, "uhh no can't say that I do. Last time I saw her was at camp—she's missing?" the brunette asks feigning shock.

"She is... and you wouldn't happen to have had any... contact with her, perhaps?" I continue, "hmm not that I recall. Maybe a few texts but that's been a while ago now" she answers. "Just to be sure... you wouldn't mind if I took a peek, would you? It's just that I'm very worried about her" I say, "of course I would say yes anytime-" I start to walk in and she closes the door more to stop me.

"But I can assure you it's just lil old me in here. Besides, you really need this many people to 'take a peek'?" She asks, now acknowledging everyone else. I brought Tammy, Wilhemina, Lana, and Billie with me, Ally staying watch in one of the cars in case anyone comes out. "If it'd make you feel better only I have to come in" I say to which Wilhemina gently squeezes my waist from behind me.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with it at all actually. Like I told you, no one else is here. Hope you have a good day" She tries to close the door but I stick my hand out to stop it. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" I grumble, "If you don't leave my property I have every right to call the police" she says and I chuckle. "That's funny. You can tell them to charge me for breaking and entering when they get here because they're already on the way" I say before pushing the door open quickly and making her stumble.

I look around seeing she's just made breakfast, apparently two different types as well. She seemed to have made an omelette and there's a sweet smell from something too which immediately sets off my radar. Alicia's allergic to eggs and she hates strictly savory breakfast. "She's here somewhere, tell me where!" I exclaim but Diane merely smirks, not saying a word.

Lana looks around on one side of the house along with Billie, Wilhemina staying to watch Diane after she's been restrained, meanwhile Tammy and I head to the side with the most rooms. Maybe it would seem appropriate for me to be screaming her name but I don't want to alert Diane of when I've found her, lest she tries to break free.

As I'm passing a room, I hear shuffling before the sound of a plate clattering. "Shit" I hear someone mumble and I just know it's her, I can feel it in my soul. I softly turn the knob and push open the door, Tammy standing right behind me. I lay sights on her and tears come to my eyes, fortunately she still looks healthy but I can't imagine her mental state right now.

"Hi, baby" I whisper and she turns to look at me but as soon as she sees Tammy she frowns. "Dee?" her gaze snaps even further beyond me to Billie, I assume she recognized her voice. "Oh goodness, darling. Are you alright?" Billie immediately walks over without hesitation as I stand there. "Delia?" Tammy prompts and I shake my head, "ummm I'll go handle Diane. Just have Billie take her to the car" I whisper.

The cops have already arrived and put her away so I send them off and get in the car myself. I can't stop thinking about how she looked at me. I don't know what Diane said to her but it must've been bad. Most importantly, I don't know if I can fix this.

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