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12 Hours Later

Taehyung opened his eyes, and felt like someone hitted him hard with a hammer.

His vision was blur as he groaned in pain. The sharp pain in his head made him almost cry.

Closing his eyes again, Taehyung calmed his breath and finally tried to sit up.

He regretted doing that!

Atleast he was unknown of the pain he'll feel now!

"I see you're finally awake" the man who was sitting infront of him said with a sweet smile.

Taehyung already regret it bad! He regret that he woke up and witnessed the man who caused pain to him.

He was better unknown! Taehyung doesn't need to ask, where he is? What happened to him?

He just wanted to know that "WHY?"

Why was he captured this way? But he didn't! He didn't wanted to ask anything already feeling disappointed on himself and the man infront of him.

The man softly smiled knowing damn well, what Taehyung must be thinking

Unknowingly a the man apologized.

" I'm sorry Taehyung " the man said

Tae: save it! I'm better off without your apology

The man sighed and sat a bit more near Taehyung. The younger noticed the closeness but didn't said anything.

Leaning near Taehyung, he sniffed the calming scent of the boy and smiled.

" I had to do this! I waited enough Taehyung! I waited enough! " The man said and Taehyung now felt like boiling in anger.


And the man looked away feeling the pain in Taehyung's voice.

Tae: you didn't! You were just impatient and desperate! You just did what you wanted since always!

Namjoon: so what else I'm gonna do huh? Years Taehyung! It's been years! I have been patient and waited that one day you would notice me! See me! Give me a chance but no! It always has to be anyone except me! WHY? WHY NOT ME? You don't get to say that I'm impatient and desperate when you always ignore me as if I'm not even your last option!

Taehyung rolled his eyes feeling like he must punch the elder now.

Namjoon noticed the look on Taehyung's face and chuckled. The tears that was building inside his eyes, Namjoon whipped them and spoke ahead.

Namjoon: okay! Let's make this clear! I'm the bad guy here and I'm fine with it! I'll do anything to get what I want this time, and I WANT YOU! By hook or crook!

Taehyung chuckled

Tae: really? So what else now? You drugged me! Kidnapped me? Now? You'll take me to somewhere far away and keep me as your little slave for life?

Namjoon chuckled backed at this!

Namjoon: that's something I would do if my other plans won't work, but for now! I've kept a even better surprise for us baby! I know you're gonna love It!

Tae: don't Namjoon! I might end up hating you

Taehyung said feeling like his heart is breaking watching the evilness in Namjoon's eye.

Namjoon smiled to himself and got up. Walking towards a table, he took his laptop and walked near Taehyung.

Taehyung silently eyed the elder and felt tensed when Namjoon sat beside him, closing the distance.

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