the cursed forest

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Another day another mission
Boruto found an idiot wandering on trees near the village and it turned out that he had payed us for a mission
Now team Seven with Maeve and shikadai as their leaders they're going with this guy to help him not get killed while he
Finds birds
"The thing is , there are birds who are turning in monsters that's why I need your help" he says
"The last place they were said to be was the village nearby " Maeve says

They get going and they arrive in the village
As soon as they arrive they see that near the river is a man unconscious
They get near him and Maeve and the others sit around him
"Whose this dude" says they're payer
"Dude , hah you're a dude , this one right here is a man a tall and muscular man" Maeve says touching his muscles
"Stop massaging his muscles " shikadai says looking at her and she just drops the man's arm
"We should get him inside the village to treat him" shikadai says and then boruto makes clones and gets the man inside the village

"We can let sarada treat him " shikadai says
"Sure of you want to bake him them why not " says boruto
"HEY" she says
"Its alright the village has healers of it's own" says maeve

They stay talking for a while then Maeve notices that they're payer was nowhere to be seen
She looks at shikadai whose already looking at her having noticed it too

They both excuse themselves from the group and meet at the entry of the infirmary
Then they both go inside at the same time only to see their payer ready to kill jugo (the man's name)
Before Maeve and shikadai can react he throws some darts at them
They dodge them and then get near him but then he just turns in a monster and the transformation throws them away out of the tent
Boruto and the others come and help them up
"We have to help jugo " Maeve says and then two people show themselves and destroy their payer
They show themselves to be Karin and suigetsu two of orochimarus students

It turns out that the guy who was turning the birds in those monster was that dude who payed them to help

All they had to do was put the antidote Karin brought in the lake they put all the birds into

They had to do it before morning but they were running out of time and they still hadn't figured a way how to do it

Then suigetsu drinked the antidote and turned his body as water and went in the lake saving all the infected birds

"That like Maeve jutsu" says boruto to suigetsu after he comes out of the lake
"Whose that " he asks
"That one right there " he says pointing to Maeve
"She's the one who stopped the war in the mist ya know " he says and suigetsu looks at her for a while

The mission is over and they saved the birds

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