13. Fever

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Scene 1

Asya was sleeping alone in her bedroom.

Her eyes flutter open, a distant sound of Charlie's cries woke her up

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Her eyes flutter open, a distant sound of Charlie's cries woke her up. She hurriedly puts a blanket on her back. With her slippers, she rushes to Charlie's room.

Entering the nursery, Asya finds a worried group of maids huddled around Charlie's crib

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Entering the nursery, Asya finds a worried group of maids huddled around Charlie's crib. They try to soothe the feverish child. Asya's heart tightens with concern.

Asya: (voice filled with worry) What happened?

The maids now aware of her appearance looked at her.

Frances: (nervously) Mrs.Shelby, it's his fever. We've been trying to bring it down, but it seems to be getting worse.

Asya: (panicked and scared) Where is Thomas?

Mary: (apologetically) Mrs.Shelby, Mr. Shelby is away on business. We called him many times but he's not picking up the phone.

She approaches the crib, looking at Charlie and feeling gently on his forehead. The child's tiny hands cling to her as he continues to whimper.

Asya: (muttering to herself) When has he ever been around when he's needed?

Frances: (softly) Ma'am, maybe he's dealing with urgent matters. It's not like him to neglect his family willingly.

Asya shoots a glare at the maid, her patience wearing thin.

Asya: (snarkily) Urgent matters? More important than his own son's health?

The air in the room becomes tense as the maids exchange uneasy glances, unsure how to navigate Asya's rising anger.

As Charlies cries continues, Asya has a flashback.


(I have this scenes from a Turkish Series called "Kafkasya; Büyük sürgün" "Caucasus, Big exile". Sadly all those things really happened to the Muslim Meskhetian Turks in 1944)

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