31. A New Chapter In Life

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Scene 1

1,5 years later...

Thomas grips Charlie's small hand as they stride through the narrow streets of Small Heath. The boy looks up at his father.

Charlie: Dad, where are we going?

Thomas: We're going to pick up your mum, Charlie.

They approach a building, the sounds of distant music becoming more pronounced. Thomas bends down to Charlie's level.

Thomas: You excited to see Mum?

Charlie nods enthusiastically, a wide smile on his face.

Inside the building, Thomas carries Charlie into a room filled with the lively sounds of traditional Caucasian music. Asya, surrounded by a group of young girls, gracefully guides them through the intricate movements of the Lezginka dance. Her focus on the dance.

Thomas still holds Charlie in his arms, and they watch Asya's rhythmic motions as she instructs the girls.

Asya (to the girls): Lift your arms like you're floating on air. Feel the rhythm within you.

Unaware of their presence, Asya continues to lead the dance.

Thomas (whispering to Charlie): Look at Mum, Charlie. She's like a queen on that dance floor.

 She's like a queen on that dance floor

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Charlie's eyes sparkle with admiration.

Asya, completely absorbed in her role as the dance instructor, continues to give detailed orders to the young girls.

(The dancerrs name is Salma Galaeva)

Asya: Imagine your hands moving through water, gentle and flowing.

As the Lezginka dance concludes, Asya gathers the girls and issues her final instructions.

Asya: Well done, everyone! You've shown great progress today. Now, I want you to practice these steps at home. Make them a part of your routine, and I'll see each of you next week ready to build on what we've learned.

The young dancers nod, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and excitement. As the girls excitedly leave the dance studio, Thomas subtly steps back, giving them space to exit freely. Asya, now done with her interaction with the students, turns around and finally notices Thomas and Charlie standing near the door.

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